

My life isn't written very well.
Once upon a time, my father hated gay people. I think most of the world did! Calling gay people sick, or mentally disturbed was the norm. But today everyone knows someone who's gay! In fact people with gay friends often stick up for their homosexual counterparts. A few gay clients at work have both of their names on the medical chart as being partners--and they don't care--it's like totally normal!

Why has the generation changed? When did it become acceptable to be gay? Of course California has always been accepting of diversity, but the whole country has recently become aware that gay people do exist and we must now think twice about gay marriage.

As a species, does the human population now recognize that homosexuals should be treated with the same respect as straight people? Why?

Do you have a gay friend/ family member? How do you feel about them?
I have been formatted to fit this screen.

r66-The member who always asks WHY?

my cousin is gay and nobody treats him differently
"A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theater admission and the babysitter were worth it."
- Alfred Hitchcock

I personally do not know anyone who is a homosexual, but I do recognize them with respect and courtesy as I would with heterosexuals. A human being is a human being and if that's his/her's sexual preference....so let it be.

There are those who call me...Tim.
I think people should be allowed to be who they want to be and the rest of us should live with it. The only people I truly hate are the knuckle grazing, "******" bashing neanderthals that roam the streets at night. This might not go down very well with some of you, but I think that if a person is homophobic or racist then that's fine and we have to live with it (it's wrong to judge people on their beliefs), but only if they keep their feelings to themselves and not make life a misery for everyone else.
"When I was younger, I always wanted to be somebody. Now that I'm older, I realise I should've been more specific."

I think being gay is WRONG. But I respect those who chose to go down that path. (I respect them, not their decision). I would never insult a gay person based on that, ever.
Δύο άτομα. Μια μάχη. Κανένας συμβιβασμός.

I don't know when it became acceptable to be gay. To some, it's always been acceptable. To others, it still isn't. But I imagine your question, at heart, is about why homosexuality is so much more accepted on average today than it was, say, in the 1950s.

If so, I don't think I have a particularly insightful answer: we're more accepting of homosexuals today because we should be. I believe that people tend to get more things right if given enough time, and treating homosexuals like the human beings they are, even if some form of disappreement is present, is just the right thing to do. And, being a free society, we've eventually come to realize this.

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I ate all your bees.
I have nothing against Homosexuals. I don't know any immediate friends who are gay but those people who are gay that I know of are treated with the same respect that anyone else recieves. The only time that Gay people will annoy me is when they go all 'Camp' (I think the expression is) and feel the need to flaunt it infront of everyone, that can start to get on my nerves. The same applies for hetrosexuals I spose though, like when a couple are all over each other in public. I can find that awkward and uncomfortable as well.
I'm a quitter, I come from a long line of quitters....Its amazing I'm here at all.

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
I have some sort of natural affinity for gay people. My first boyfriend in kindergarden was gay by the time he hit high school, and it's been the story of my life ever since, expecially during my theater years.

I think the change started in the cities during the 70's, when gays became more vocal - Harvey Fierstein's Torch Song Trilogy and Billie Jean King broke ground... and then more recently, Will and Grace pushed the envelope a little more, in the living rooms of middle-america. And the press has given a lot more attention to gay-bashing hate crimes, which has opened a lot of people's eyes about the need to be vocally supportive, rather than whispering about it.
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A system of cells interlinked
Having spent some time in the Trance scene, I have many gay friends, both female and male. All these peeps are extremely cool and intelligent. I think traits like that are what I look for in a friend, not who they sleep with.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Seldom Heard Mostly Seen
People should be judged by their personality not their sexual preference. I really don't care what any of my friends do in the bedroom, whether they be hetrosexual or homosexual. That's really none of my business. And hey, as long as their happy.

Originally Posted by Equilibrium
I think being gay is WRONG. But I respect those who chose to go down that path. (I respect them, not their decision). I would never insult a gay person based on that, ever.

I think I know what you are trying to say… but I don’t think you realize that by saying you think being gay is wrong, is an insult in itself… and from what the gay people I know have told me, the majority went through a living hell before they came to terms with the fact they are gay… to the point that several of them tried to commit suicide… and one of them I know is completely cut off from his family because they refused to believe he couldn’t change his sexual preference… even though he had tried.

Anyway, I was basically raised to believe THIS ... and have several very close friends and a couple of cousins who are gay… One of my cousins has been with his partner for about 5 years now and as far as I am concerned, I have another cousin.
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

Originally Posted by Equilibrium
I think being gay is WRONG. But I respect those who chose to go down that path. (I respect them, not their decision). I would never insult a gay person based on that, ever.
I don't understand why I am getting such bad rep for this, I really didn't intend to insult anyone. I don't like being called moronic, foolish, cowardly, and everything else I was called. Giving someone bad reputation points even when they went out of their way to say they ACCEPT gay people, they just don't agree with it.

I won't back down from what I said earlier. But, I will rephrase so that everyone who bad reped me will see that I am in fact an accepting person, going to a college in which 55% of the students are either gay or bi. So if anything, I'll be around more gay people the next 4 years than most of my life.

Although I ACCEPT gay people, I personally would never do anything like it because I don't think its right. I don't think fighting is right either, but I don't reject someone or anything just because they were in a fight. See wwhat I am saying?
I mean what more do I need to say, except CHANGE my opinion, which I will not.

Cait, thanks for the response. And I respect your opinion and agree in some areas. I know that homosexuals often struggle because of hatred towards them, but I am NOT that person. I just don't think its right (read post above). But thanks for clarifying .

The people that give Equilibrium bad rep for stating his opinion are being foolish, and any everyday joe can tell that he intended no malice in what he said. When you ask a question like this a personal opinion is expected, right? If everyone were to give the same answer and not say what they feel the world would be a pretty damn boring place. If you disagree with what was said, liven things up, bring it to the discussion.

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Originally Posted by Equilibrium
...Although I ACCEPT gay people, I personally would never do anything like it because I don't think its right. I don't think fighting is right either, but I don't reject someone or anything just because they were in a fight. See wwhat I am saying?
I mean what more do I need to say, except CHANGE my opinion, which I will not.
Your opinions about what you personally prefer are totally fine, and I doubt anyone would get upset with you for stating what you youself prefer. When you state that something is "WRONG", without saying it's your personal preference, the inference is that you think it's wrong for anyone... and you have to see that that would be offensive to people who see it as the right choice for them, no? To suggest that something is "wrong", if you mean "immoral" or whatever.... when that is a natural choice for others and hurts no one... is going to offend some. I'm not sure if that's what you meant, or if you're just saying you're not attracted to your own gender. Do you see the difference, anyway?

Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelila
the inference is that you think it's wrong for anyone...
Sam, read my post again clearly
Originally Posted by Equilibrium
I think being
Keywords= I and Think

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I ate all your bees.
Originally Posted by Garrett
The people that give Equilibrium bad rep for stating his opinion are being foolish, and any everyday joe can tell that he intended no malice in what he said. When you ask a question like this a personal opinion is expected, right? If everyone were to give the same answer and not say what they feel the world would be a pretty damn boring place. If you disagree with what was said, liven things up, bring it to the discussion.

Right On.

Equilibrium did you mean being gay is wrong for yourself, Meaning you wouldnt like to be gay yourself personally? But you accept gay people?
Or have i got it totally wrong lol

Gay people for me isnt an issue, if a man or a woman wants to be with the same sex then who i am i to say they cant?

Originally Posted by Tea Barking
Equilibrium did you mean being gay is wrong for yourself, Meaning you wouldnt like to be gay yourself personally? But you accept gay people?
Yes, although just because I accept gay people, doesn't mean I accept homosexuality as ok. If you want to be gay thats fine..its ur right..and I will respect that..but it doesn't mean I have to agree with homosexuality. And I've always been normal with gay people, i don't be extra nice to them or mean..they are just like any other people.