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Only Lovers Left Alive
Tom Hiddleston, Tilda Swinton, Mia Wasikowska, John Hurt View AllCrew
Jim Jarmusch (Director), Jim Jarmusch (Writer) View AllRelease: Dec. 12th, 2013
Runtime: 2 hours, 3 minutes
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Only Lovers Left Alive
The new film from Jim Jarmusch starring the always wonderful Tilda Swinton and Tom Hiddleston.
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The Last House on the Left(1972) VS. The Last House on the Left(2009)
The original is a movie I can go two ways about same as the remake. The original is very effective in the suspenseful and dramatic scenes, but I can never understand why the two dumb silly cops were ...
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Reviewed by
Holden Pike
He rarely ventures out into the world, his primary point of contact in the city being a young man he seems to trust to run strange errands and find rare instruments for him, played by Anton Yelchin (the Star Trek reboot's Chekov).
He rarely ventures out into the world, his primary point of contact in the city being a young man he seems to trust to run strange errands and find rare instruments for him, played by Anton Yelchin (the Star Trek reboot's Chekov).