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The Truman Show
Jim Carrey, Laura Linney, Noah Emmerich, Natascha McElhone View AllCrew
Peter Weir (Director), Andrew Niccol (Writer) View All
Release: Jun. 4th, 1998
Runtime: 1 hour, 43 minutes
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How is it going to end? (The Truman Show)
Hi guys, I'm now to in the forum, I really created the account because I just want to talk about some movies that interest me, more in the philosophical part not in the trivial stuff. So I wander if I...
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Film Trivia The Truman Show has actually inspired a condition called 'Truman Syndrome' or 'the Truman Show delusion'.

The rest of the world watches every second of his life in the form of The Truman Show; a reality program that follows Truman around every step of the way.

The bulk of the cast that surrounds Truman are supposed to be shallow one-note characters, though that doesn't preclude them from solid performances (especially Noah Emmerich as Truman's best friend, who does have moments that imply a greater depth that the film really explores).