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Rain Man
Dustin Hoffman, Tom Cruise, Valeria Golino, Gerald R. Molen View AllCrew
Barry Levinson (Director), Barry Morrow (Screenplay), Barry Morrow (Story), Ronald Bass (Screenplay) View AllRelease: Dec. 11th, 1988
Runtime: 2 hours, 13 minutes
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The interplay between Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman as a pair of very different brothers is what drives the plot, especially Cruise's selfish motivation to acquire his late father's multimillion-dollar inheritance that is otherwise going to go to Hoffman, who is an institutionalised savant who is un....
The interplay between Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman as a pair of very different brothers is what drives the plot, especially Cruise's selfish motivation to acquire his late father's multimillion-dollar inheritance that is otherwise going to go to Hoffman, who is an institutionalised savant who is un....
Indeed if you were to show this film to someone who was unfamiliar with Hoffman, it would probably be quite easy to convince them that the makers of the film had hired someone with an actual mental disorder.
Indeed if you were to show this film to someone who was unfamiliar with Hoffman, it would probably be quite easy to convince them that the makers of the film had hired someone with an actual mental disorder.
Sexy Celebrity
The meaning behind "Rain Man" is that it's how a young Charlie Babbitt (played by Tom Cruise when he's older) pronounced his brother's name, Raymond, one time when they met before many years and years later, after Charlie grew up and forgot that he even had a brother.
The meaning behind "Rain Man" is that it's how a young Charlie Babbitt (played by Tom Cruise when he's older) pronounced his brother's name, Raymond, one time when they met before many years and years later, after Charlie grew up and forgot that he even had a brother.