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Leila's Brothers


Tarane Alidousti, Saeed Poursamimi, Navid Mohammadzade, Payman Maadi View All


Saeed Roustaee (Director), Saeed Roustaee (Writer) View All

Release: Aug. 24th, 2022
Runtime: 2 hours, 40 minutes
At the age of 40, Leila has spent her entire life caring for her parents and four brothers. A family that is constantly arguing and under pressure from various debts in the face of sanctions against Iran. While her brothers are struggling to make ends meet, Leila makes a plan.
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But this family does not have the luxury of riding the rollercoaster of wacky familial hijinks, because the patriarchal system to which they belong is nakedly corrupt, and the larger economy in which they are trying to survive is increasingly, impossibly dire.
The movie could have just shown Leila's "friendly conversations" with her parents to reveal their avarice and I would still consider this movie great, but credit goes to writer/director Roustayi for going further and revealing why they are mortgaging their progeny's future.
Despite all of that, Leila's Brothers is a film that can really speak to all of us in what seems an uninhibited way, and once in tune with it's ebbs and flows I really connected to it's characters in a way that had me feeling I was a part of Leila's family.
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