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Bruce Willis, Samuel L. Jackson, Robin Wright, Davis Duffield View AllCrew
M. Night Shyamalan (Director), M. Night Shyamalan (Writer) View All
Release: Nov. 13th, 2000
Runtime: 1 hour, 46 minutes
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Saw this last night at a sneak preview. I had extremely high hopes for this because I loved "The Sixth Sense". Perhaps too high. I don't want to spoil anything for anybody, so I'll briefl...
Saw this in the cinema last night. A great film - I really enjoyed it. Excellent and very innovative camera work, and an excellent twist, which I really didn't see coming (but kicked myself about afte...
Unbreakable 2
Chris I know you're gonna love this if you haven't heard about it yet.
Check this out!!...
Wat didya ppl think of 'unbreakable'?
well,it is definitely my fav movie!i thought it was a masterpiece!but most of my friends hated it.so im guessin most of u wouldve hated it too.but,in any case,i jus wanted ur take on it!but my word on...
Sixth Sense vs Unbreakable?
Which did you prefer?
The Sixth Sense generally seems to be the preferred option, but I felt Unbreakable dealt with its underlying theme of identity in a more mature manner, and although the supris...
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Reviewed by

I certainly feel [Shyamalan] has shown that he has a creative mind and no small amount of talent; culminating in this film, his personal masterpiece..

Price forces David to look into his own health history, which seems to be the polar opposite of Price's...it is revealed that David not only has never been sick or injured a day in his life and that he has superhuman strength and that these attributes are no accident.