Ran 4/01/21
by Thief
For some reason, I never got around to it, and when I started diving into Kurosawa films as an adult, some people suggested for me to start with "lighter" films and leave Ran for later. ...
Ran 5/14/16
by Iroquois
I suspect that Ran won't overtake Seven Samurai as my favourite Kurosawa, but it certainly comes closer than any of his other films as it goes for a whole other kind of epic and succeeds admirably. ...
Ran 3/13/15
by Gatsby
For those just getting into Kurosawa this isn't much of a first film, but once you understand his brilliance make sure to come back to what I think is the pinnacle of his career- a undoubtful favorite of mine. ...
Ran 4/23/14
by kkl10
I may speak for a minority, but this would be a virtually perfect film if not for Kurosawa's obsession with redundant battle scenes--especially in the last half hour or so. ...
Ran 5/12/08
by meatwadsprite
Visuals : The first Kurosawa film I've seen in color (one of his last films) , it has many breath taking : huge scale shots. ...