Midnight in Paris 3/23/15
by Iroquois
It turns out that Cotillard idealises the 1890s and dislikes the 1920s in the same way that Wilson idealises the 1920s and dislikes 2010, which prompts Wilson to have an epiphany (that got pointed out to him by another character at the start, no less, but that character was blatantly antagonistic so... ...
Midnight in Paris 1/13/15
by Citizen Rules
Director: Woody Allen
Writer: Woody Allen
Cast: Owen Wilson, Rachel McAdams, Katy Bates,Nina Arianda
Genre: Fantasy, Drama, Romance ...
Midnight in Paris 12/27/11
by ash_is_the_gal
Owen Wilson's character is also a Hollywood screenwriter who's been working on a novel; 2, the roaring 20's/Fitzgerald storyline, which comes about because Owen Wilson somehow manages to travel back in time when he's out strolling the streets of Paris after midnight half-lit. ...
Midnight in Paris 7/04/11
by thracian dawg
Whereas Gil (Owen Wilson) discovers the romance and allure of Paris has triggered thoughts of abandoning his lucrative career as a Hollywood screenwriter and wants to stay in Paris afterwards to write a real book. ...