Rate The Last Movie You Saw


"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
City Slickers (1991, rewatch)

It's alright. The higher rating is mostly because of Palance. Crystal is just not that funny.
"I may be rancid butter, but I'm on your side of the bread."
E. K. Hornbeck

Welcome to the human race...
Trainspotting -

Part of me wants to give it
but that might just be the nostalgia talking.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Clint Eastwood's Gran Torino

Five out of Five Buckets of Popcorn
Excellent film that proved to me, above American Sniper and Sully, how good of a director Clint is even in his old age, and I liked both of those movies.
A man's got to know his limitations.

I'll just go with the last NEW one I saw..
Rogue one 8-9 out of 10.

Didn't think I would be a fan of a Jedi-less Skywalker-less (besides some Vader) Star Wars movie, but I was blown away. loved the integration with ep 4 enhancing a lot of lines that had no tangible meaning prior.

Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)
Watching these back to back may have been a poor choice.

Watched interstellar for the second time. I really like it, I'm really moved by it. I think Nolan's a master film maker and this is a masterful film. 4 and half out of 5.

Watched Arrival today after watching Interstellar the other night. I came into it with high expectations, the director had made
Prisoners and Sicario, which I rate highly. Arrival was just too slow for me. I didn't really get it in the end and I don't feel compelled and/or engaged enough to read reviews and prod through wikis. It raised some interesting ideas/concepts in regards to language and the way we think with our language (I did understand that) but overall it wasn't entertaining enough for those ideas to, well, entertain.

Interstellar is what I'm looking for in a movie. Number one it's entertainment coupled with an emotional connection to the characters and story and finally something educating and enlightening. I didn't feel a emotional connection to the characters in Arrival and as I said the pace was snail. It's not a movie I would watch again. The perfect balance of ideas and entertainment that was Interstellar was missing but given it's attempt to be more than pulp, to engage the synapses I can't give it less than a 3 out of 5.

To justify my rating further I feel we have been bombarded with dumb, poorly thought out films. We are in an age of quantity not quality. The purge election, The force awakens, comic book movies in general barring The Dark Knight trilogy (Nolan you master you ), Transformers, you name it. We need movies that are smarter, this just hasn't hit the mark for me but I respect the intelligence but have lesser respect for the pace, characters, ambiguity and entertainment value on show.

Welcome to the human race...
Watching these back to back may have been a poor choice.

Watched interstellar for the second time. I really like it, I'm really moved by it. I think Nolan's a master film maker and this is a masterful film. 4 and half out of 5.

Watched Arrival today after watching Interstellar the other night. I came into it with high expectations, the director had made
Prisoners and Sicario, which I rate highly. Arrival was just too slow for me. I didn't really get it in the end and I don't feel compelled and/or engaged enough to read reviews and prod through wikis. It raised some interesting ideas/concepts in regards to language and the way we think with our language (I did understand that) but overall it wasn't entertaining enough for those ideas to, well, entertain.

Interstellar is what I'm looking for in a movie. Number one it's entertainment coupled with an emotional connection to the characters and story and finally something educating and enlightening. I didn't feel a emotional connection to the characters in Arrival and as I said the pace was snail. It's not a movie I would watch again. The perfect balance of ideas and entertainment that was Interstellar was missing but given it's attempt to be more than pulp, to engage the synapses I can't give it less than a 3 out of 5.

To justify my rating further I feel we have been bombarded with dumb, poorly thought out films. We are in an age of quantity not quality. The purge election, The force awakens, comic book movies in general barring The Dark Knight trilogy (Nolan you master you ), Transformers, you name it. We need movies that are smarter, this just hasn't hit the mark for me but I respect the intelligence but have lesser respect for the pace, characters, ambiguity and entertainment value on show.
I'm intrigued as to how you can at once find a film's ideas interesting and not immediately understandable yet not have that translate into an urge to actually go through the effort of finding answers simply because the film didn't make sufficiently entertaining use of those ideas. I got Arrival on a single viewing but would be interested in seeing how differently it plays out a second time - it doesn't strike me as being significantly less comprehensible than Interstellar, at least. I thought Interstellar suffered for its attempts to meld blockbuster sentimentality to hard sci-fi and only added to the bloat (and if we're going to complain about snail-like pacing, how long does it take them to even get to space? An hour?) That's without mentioning how its attempts at lofty ideas often gave way to bombastic set-pieces or predictable complications (which is why I often compare it against Danny Boyle's Sunshine, which follows many of the same narrative beats except without the Earth B-plot) It's at the point where I've seen the film twice and would still have to do research in order to properly critique it because I can barely think about what point/s that film was trying to make (I think it's some kind of metaphor for Nolan missing his family while making movies, but that raises further questions). I guess it's good that I'd have to think about what I'd say first, but I'd still consider it one of Nolan's weaker films even after respecting what intelligence it does show.


Split -

At least Shyamalan makes the interesting kind of

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
Rogue One better than Arrival?

[Gritted Teeth]It would be boring if we all agreed, I guess[/Gritted Teeth]

The ratings are very subject to change but between those 2 yeah it surprised me too. Arrival actually was a disappointment for me as I was expecting to be completely blown away and I wasn't. Maybe the issue was my expectations of each film.
Too weird to live, and too rare to die.


Beautifully shot, but way to long and the performances are annoying.

Eyes of Laura Mars

Great supernatural murder mystery with Faye Dunaway as a photographer that gets visions of murders. The suspects are an all-star cast of Brad Doriff, Tommy Lee Jones, and Raul Julia. It's one of the best apings of Dario Argento's work I've seen.

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User

Manchester by the Sea (2016)

So glad I got round to seeing this. For me its up there with the best of 2016, probably top 3. Casey Affleck gives easily his best performance from what I've seen of him, so much so that he is so easy to identify with that you can feel the pain he's going through. I've never gone through the pain that he has but I can definitely see bits of myself in him. Despite complaints I've heard about the running time I thought it was paced really well and the time flew by.

I'm giving this a
now but can see it getting top marks in the future.

The one that is a true fan of Knock Knock is Rey Skywalker

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
Fury - 6/10

I thought I saw this movie before - so I didn't pay THAT much attention.. I think Fritz Lang made great German movies. When he came to the US, his movies were just pretty good. He did use his classic close-up face with eyes of horror (M, Mabuse)

Stuck in Love (2013)