Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Some Like It Hot (1959)

Aliens (1986)

The House that Jack Built (2018)

A Simple Favor (2018)


I probably wouldn't have watched this but I do let my wife pick the movie a couple of times a year. The first hour reminded us of those 48 Hours real life mysteries, and we like those so we enjoyed the movie. I thought the story went off the rails a little, but it had strong dark humor throughout. I'm still not sure what I think of Blake Lively but she was well suited for her role. Anna Kendrick was excellent.

Anna Kendrick was *tremendous* in that flick. I was confused why Lively was getting all the praise.

Anna Kendrick was *tremendous* in that flick. I was confused why Lively was getting all the praise.
I was already confused before the movie so that didn't bother me.

The Meg (2018)

Pure drivel but enjoyable drivel as I had started late on Hogmanay and was able to follow the "story*. Could have started on the ale 12 hours earlier and still followed it Statham does his best to carry this and nice to see Cliff Curtis who I've always rated since "Once Were Warriors". Pure popcorn but watcheable 4/10.

No One Lives (2012)

Effective low budget thriller/crime drama with decent performances, particularly Luke Evans...all patched together but made the sum of its parts. 6/10

Incredibles 2 (2018)

I thought the original was pretty good, but nothing spectacular, so my expectations were much the same for this one. However, I thought the sequel did everything better, and the entire movie was incredible (pun partly intended). I think I remember hearing some criticism over the villain, but I thought that was well executed as well. Best animated film of 2018!


“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!” ~ Rocky Balboa

Welcome to the human race...
Blade Runner -

Akira -

2019: After the Fall of New York

anyone want to guess what ties all three of these films together
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

The Bird with the Crystal Plumage (1970)

I completely enjoyed this, even though I thought it was a combination of good, bad, and ridiculous. Maybe that's the point and how it's supposed to be? Suzy Kendall is very nice.

de noser poder
Aquaman - 5/10

Very silly and predictable but still fun. Could do worse.

Blade Runner -

Akira -

2019: After the Fall of New York

anyone want to guess what ties all three of these films together

They're all set in 2019, I know this because I started watching Akira the other night. I recorded it other Christmas but had to stop about ten minutes in to go and do something else, looking forward to finally watching it though.

Bird Box (2018)

Good film with a few unbelievable sequences. The idea was quite an original one, could have explained how some people were 'immune' a bit better 8/10.

p.s. Sandra Bullock is starting to look *really* weird.

[Eighth Grade]
Bo Burnham has made a very gentle, open and fragile depiction of not just eighth grade but of youth in general. There are many recognizable elements to this film, but the way Burnham handles them are with so much care and authenticity that you don’t really feel the clichés becoming clammy or the structure becoming staged. Everything is very natural and calm-like and the world feels small and huge at the same time, which is a very delicate but important balance to pull off for this type of movie.

It honestly wasn’t until the end that I began to feel the fiction-part of this tale. This doesn’t mean that the film was brought to a halt because of it or that it was made really raw and documentary-like up until then, but more that it puts the thoughts and feelings first throughout, rather than the structural pin-points and storybeats, which does become clearer later on, for good and bad. Elsie Fisher gives an honest and honestly quite brilliant performance, complete with all the quirks and questions a girl her age might have. It really feels authentic and the movie lets her breathe as well (how hectic and anxiety-inducing that breathing may be at times hah).

Overall this film captures something special, and through most of its runtime, does so very delicately and succeeds in being obvious and subtle at the same time. It’s a movie that truly feels comfortable being outside the comfort zone because it knows how to portray that part properly. There’s room for fun visual and musical representations of self-reflection and situations known to this age and that’s both fun and fear-inducing - because we are right there with her (again, especially because of the amazing Fisher).

I feel like this film is one to do and say what a lot of films how been trying to, but without the same effect or succes. It may not be the eighth wonder of the teenage world, but it is successful in being a small, simple but satisfying portrayal of your everyday eighth grader... therefore... a not so everyday eighth grade (out of ten) from me.
I enjoyed reading your review of Eighth Grade, which served as a recommendation to watch the film. After seeing the movie, your review became even more interesting.

I don't generally seek out teen aged angst films, as they tend to be too silly, simple-minded, or slapstick. But as you have pointed out, this movie is the exception.

Elsie Fisher (nice to see the old names come back) gives a very natural and believable portrayal of an 8th grader full of doubt and self consciousness. It'll be interesting to see whether Fisher is simply adept at this type of roll, or whether her obvious talent will shine when acting other character personalities.

The writer/director Bo Burnham seems to understand the subject matter and the emotions that are featured in it. The narrative feels truthful.

IMO the one minor drawback of the film is the father, played by Josh Hamilton. Hamilton certainly has acting talent, but it was the way the character was written which irked me. He was smarmy, overly caring, and tried too hard to be a pal, rather than a parent. In real life it would be surprising if the daughter gave him any credence whatsoever. The part was aggravating enough to put me in mind of James Dean's fawning father (Jim Backus) in Rebel Without a Cause.

If for no other reason the film was worth a watch for Fisher's performance. It'll be interesting to see what projects are next for both Fisher and Burnham.


The Inbetweeners Movie

We can all go on a mental holiday together two weeks of sun sea sex sand booze sex minge fanny and **** and booze and sex.

Do you know what a roller pigeon is, Barney? They climb high and fast, then roll over and fall just as fast toward the earth. There are shallow rollers and deep rollers. You can’t breed two deep rollers, or their young will roll all the way down, hit, and die. Officer Starling is a deep roller, Barney. We should hope one of her parents was not.

The Predator (2018)

It was entertaining, and I didn't really hate it. It's just that, it felt more like a Marvel action movie and less like a Predator movie. 5/10

de noser poder
Han Solo - 4/10

I don’t get the hate but there’s not a lot worth defending either.

My thought on the Eighth Grade dad is he is alone, trying to deal with all these things and yet still tries really hard to make everything work. Really nails tries too hard and how that often manifests.