GreenEyed Vixen's Avatar
Last Activity: 03-03-14

GreenEyed Vixen

Naughty? Nice?


13¼ years HERE

Activity Log
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Short and Sassy Biography
Seattle, WA Location
Anime, My cats, Bad 80's flicks amd watching movies with my husband Interests
a woman of many talents Occupation
The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts
Marcus Aurelius
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Showing Comments 1 to 4 of 7
  1. 09-03-11
    I agree with you, I have watched alot of films that wouldn't have grabbed my attention thanks to this site and my hubby. I think its great you are on here with your other half, I'm enjoying this with PW as well. Have a great day, and thank you for making me feel so welcome
  2. 09-03-11
    Ya I have only been here a couple of months my other half plainview introduced me to the forums and I like its a lot fun and Ive watched alot of great films thanks to site.
  3. 09-02-11
    No problem,I hope you enjoy it here.
  4. 08-29-11
    Hey, where's your #9 Movie? Is it blank in honor of the Beatles?
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