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Showing results 1 to 25 of 1000
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 9 hours ago
Replies: 7
Rumored Pacino roles he was considered for or turned down.
Posted By Captain Steel
Re: Rumored Pacino roles he was considered for or turned down.

Based on this video's title, it looks like they wanted Joe Pesci to have this role, but apparently it went to Pacino...
Forum: The Television & Music Forum 10 hours ago
Replies: 41
ELO? yay or nay?
Posted By Captain Steel
Re: ELO? yay or nay?

Weird fact: I love ELO, but I couldn't tell you the name of a single member.
Forum: Intermission: Miscellaneous Chat 11 hours ago
Replies: 4,915
Things that annoy you...
Posted By Captain Steel
I think I saw you once while hiking... you're...

I think I saw you once while hiking... you're about 9 feet tall, covered in thick, dark hair and have the smell of pizza & beer. I tried to take a video of you, but for some reason the picture is...
Forum: Intermission: Miscellaneous Chat 12 hours ago
Replies: 4,915
Things that annoy you...
Posted By Captain Steel
How about them Bigfoots?

How about them Bigfoots?
Forum: The Television & Music Forum 1 day ago
Replies: 41
ELO? yay or nay?
Posted By Captain Steel
Re: ELO? yay or nay?

Another true story... during one job I had, I kept my ELO CD in my car's CD player for 2 years!
I'd make sure to listen to "Hold on Tight" everyday during my commute (it was the one shot of...
Forum: The Television & Music Forum 1 day ago
Replies: 41
ELO? yay or nay?
Posted By Captain Steel
Yes - I guess that was the official name. Maybe...

Yes - I guess that was the official name. Maybe it was I who called it the "Electric Light Parade" after years of growing up hearing of the "Electric Light Orchestra."
Forum: The Television & Music Forum 1 day ago
Replies: 41
ELO? yay or nay?
Posted By Captain Steel
Re: ELO? yay or nay?

True story: my cousin & her husband took me to Disney World when I was little, and one night we watched what was then called the "Electric Light Parade" (an after-sundown parade featuring lots of...
Forum: The Television & Music Forum 1 day ago
Replies: 41
ELO? yay or nay?
Posted By Captain Steel
I have a great answer... but it would be...

I have a great answer... but it would be considered "political".

Thus, I will not be "taking a dive". ;)
Forum: The Television & Music Forum 1 day ago
Replies: 41
ELO? yay or nay?
Posted By Captain Steel
Re: ELO? yay or nay?

Energized Lethal Oscillation (a form of capitol punishment).

Replies: 56
You don't see that anymore.
Posted By Captain Steel
So many people bought them (at least people with...

So many people bought them (at least people with kids) - which is part of the reason why they're hard to get rid of, sans chucking them.

From the 1950's to the end of the 70's, buying a set of...
Forum: The Television & Music Forum 1 day ago
Replies: 41
ELO? yay or nay?
Posted By Captain Steel
Ask Mr. Blue Sky, he'll tell you. ;)

Ask Mr. Blue Sky, he'll tell you. ;)
Replies: 56
You don't see that anymore.
Posted By Captain Steel
I still have a set of "Compton's" encyclopedias. ...

I still have a set of "Compton's" encyclopedias.

Had a friend who spent years trying to find a way to get rid of his encyclopedias (no one wanted them, no one would buy them, libraries refused...
Forum: The Television & Music Forum 1 day ago
Replies: 41
ELO? yay or nay?
Posted By Captain Steel
Re: ELO? yay or nay?


...and don't forget to hold on tight to your dreams!
Replies: 2
Random sayings that make you laugh
Posted By Captain Steel
Re: Random sayings that make you laugh

"Let's agree to disagree."

For some reason, I find this funny and I hate it at the same time.
Forum: Games and Tabs 2 days ago
Replies: 2,671
Like or dislike?
Posted By Captain Steel
Like (for some reason I always feel better after...

Like (for some reason I always feel better after a haircut)

That thread that says "I love you," and has your I.D. appear in the title, which confuses any new people who show up.
Replies: 36
Daylight Savings Time: Yes or No?
Posted By Captain Steel
Very interesting idea! For those who seek...

Very interesting idea!

For those who seek compromise, maybe we could take that idea and split the hour by just adding a half hour of daylight in the winter, and having a half hour less in the...
Replies: 38
How often do you eat bacon?
Posted By Captain Steel
Re: How often do you eat bacon?

Had BLT's for dinner tonight!
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 3 days ago
Replies: 54
Is Tom Green Funny?
Posted By Captain Steel
Re: Is Tom Green Funny?

Looking back... you have to admit, Tom Green was the impetus for the entire Jack Ass troupe, as well as Eric Andre & Nathan Fielder.

Others I believe were inspired by Green were Tim & Eric, Check...
Forum: Movie Reviews 4 days ago
Replies: 617
The MoFo Top 100 Musicals Countdown
Posted By Captain Steel
That scene is hilarious when you know the context...

That scene is hilarious when you know the context of the movie!

I admit, that song has been used for humor (and often suggestive humor) more than most, I think everyone from Dean Martin to Benny...
Forum: Movie Reviews 4 days ago
Replies: 617
The MoFo Top 100 Musicals Countdown
Posted By Captain Steel
Another entertaining number from Gigi (with...

Another entertaining number from Gigi (with Hermione Gingold & Maurice Chevalier), I just wish the quality was better...
Forum: Upcoming Movies & Sequels 5 days ago
Replies: 14
The Upcoming Musical Biopics Thread
Posted By Captain Steel
I never thought of that, but... WOW! YES!

I never thought of that, but... WOW! YES!
Forum: Movie Reviews 5 days ago
Replies: 617
The MoFo Top 100 Musicals Countdown
Posted By Captain Steel
I like the song BECAUSE it's "weird" in the...

I like the song BECAUSE it's "weird" in the modern, but was considered cute, endearing & lyrical when it originated.
Forum: Movie Reviews 6 days ago
Replies: 7
Logan's run
Posted By Captain Steel
Re: Logan's run

I was 29 thirty years ago.
Forum: Actors, Awards, & Directors 1 week ago
Replies: 3
RIP Character Actor Nicholas Pryor
Posted By Captain Steel
Re: RIP Character Actor Nicholas Pryor

He was in one of my favorite movies: Executive Decision (1996) as the Secretary of State.

One interesting aspect of the movie was that they cast all well-recognized 2nd string actors with long...
Forum: Games and Tabs 1 week ago
Replies: 307
Ridicule a favourite film of the above member.
Posted By Captain Steel
But that's a ridicule of my attempted ridicule,...

But that's a ridicule of my attempted ridicule, not of a favorite movie. ;)