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Forum: Movie Questions 10-21-07
Replies: 5
Answered: Old Dinosaur movie from the 50's
Posted By cobra94r
Re: Old Dinosaur movie from the 50's

Once they arrive.... I may borrow them. It sounds like they are worth watching.

By the way... the other movie I picked up for him was "The Thing From Another Planet". I accidently wrote "The...
Forum: Movie Questions 10-20-07
Replies: 5
Answered: Old Dinosaur movie from the 50's
Posted By cobra94r
Re: Old Dinosaur movie from the 50's

Yep markf... looks like your right!! Thank you very much... you ARE the man! I allready found it for him on DVD and bought it. For those of you wondering about this movie. You can watch the original...
Forum: Movie Questions 10-20-07
Replies: 5
Answered: Old Dinosaur movie from the 50's
Posted By cobra94r
Old Dinosaur movie from the 50's

My buddy at work is trying to find a movie from approximately the 1950's. He was a kid and can't remember much of it other than it being one of his favorite movies (at that time).

All he can...