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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Replies: 2
The ring 0 and the ring 2 dvds
Posted By swindonforever
The ring 0 and the ring 2 dvds

has anyone got the dvds of the ring 0 and the ring 2. i just saw them in virgin. would it be wise to buy ring 2 as its the original ones that were made by that japanese bloke. its just the ring ive...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 06-20-03
Replies: 1
Stephen king season on sky one
Posted By swindonforever
its okay. its salems lot part 2

its okay. its salems lot part 2
Forum: General Movie Discussion 06-19-03
Replies: 1
Stephen king season on sky one
Posted By swindonforever
Stephen king season on sky one

anyone know whats on saturday evening on sky one as the next film up in the stephen king season they are showing at the moment? i taped salems lot on saturday but havent seen it yet? whats it like?
Forum: General Movie Discussion 06-16-03
Replies: 7
The ending to the ring
Posted By swindonforever
why should their be a sequel?

why should their be a sequel?
Forum: General Movie Discussion 06-13-03
Replies: 0
Posted By swindonforever

is it out yet and anyone seen it? whats it like. i love those sort of slasher movies so am hoping i will enjoy it.
Forum: General Movie Discussion 06-13-03
Replies: 7
The ending to the ring
Posted By swindonforever
The ending to the ring

after seeing the ring at the cinema quite a while ago i came out and didnt really understand something at the end. im not sure but i think the boy said to his mother "what will happen to other...
Forum: General Movie Discussion 03-04-03
Replies: 2
Ending of "The Ring"
Posted By swindonforever
The Ring

can anyone explain the ending to the uk version of the ring.after the woman has destroyed the tape and she catches her son watching the copy.i think she is analysing the tape and im not sure what the...