The Shoutbox
Spudly! I haven't seen you 'round. I hope your doing well. We have lots of new members, including a nutcass to rival Timing. Wait until you meet all the new people. It's a great time for MoFo.
Small hick town? It's a damned fine place.
Die like a pig in Hell, Spud...

She's fine, I'm planning a trip back to the states in a few months, my commands busy schedule is putting a hamper in my plans to get home soon. By the way, I've been to Australia now...a small hick town called Darwin, but it was still Australia
Hello M’Lord… Happy Anny… How are you doing today?
Golgot! Up again I see!
Brian!! are you today? How's your thumb?
Welcome back, by the way, buddy. How's the missus?
What has happened here, I leave for six months and everything has changed on me? What have you people done?
Board upgrade, mostly. Running vB 3.0 Beta 4 right now.
Sour grapes? Never again?
Don't be absurd. If it was sour grapes, I would have quit last year when I didn't place at all. I'm too old [next year I'll have finished school and will not be able to enter]. I would give anything to do it again.

And yeah, Spudly, the 100% of MoFo hatred is sure getting a workout...