The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by teeter_g
Picked up a PS4 and two games this morning as my birthday present. I think I did good.
Good to see another one join the good guys!
Originally Posted by teeter_g
Picked up a PS4 and two games this morning as my birthday present. I think I did good.
what games did you get?
Picked up a PS4 and two games this morning as my birthday present. I think I did good.
One time there was a big winter storm coming and the bank wouldn't let me take any money out of my own account. because I was late on the cc i had with them. I haven't used a bank since.
the hot pocket was cooked to perfection. with a buttery garlic crust.
When banks stopped giving any benefits, I went credit union.
Originally Posted by John McClane
F*** Wells Fargo!
They're seriously the worst. I'd recommend switching to another bank. I go to Travis Credit Union now and am so much happier.
Aw yeah, there's my money.
Took everything not to take it out on the poor lady at customer service. I was so pissed when she started giving me her scripted excuses.
A**hats be sitting on my direct deposit.
F*** Wells Fargo!