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Little Devil, I am sorry you got drawn in to the Forum madness, hopefully whatever you do you will have fun with it

fwiw, I already stated that I quoted those things Iro said on my own initiative, not anyone else's. so, you can stop wondering now: unless you think I'm just saying that.

Originally Posted by Little Devil
I made that comment because someone was stating that some else had that someone in Ignore. So the "it's all tongue in cheek" is not true at all.
Originally Posted by Little Devil
[as if there were no internal broiling as I was told]
Originally Posted by Little Devil
that is YOUR prerogative, based in YOUR personal views and YOUR personal experience. It's not an Universal truth. YOUR point of view is YOUR point of view. No one with a minimal ounce of good sense judges anything based on others prerogatives.
But you don't need to tell me it's my view: I know it's my view. Tell me it isn't yours. The only reason I can think to phrase this the way you have is that you realize it sounds bad to say "I'll make accusations based on very little information if I want to!" so simply saying "it's YOUR view" is a way to seem to dispute it without having to say that.
Originally Posted by Little Devil
As I said before, I understand your POV [and don't envy you] but I won't tell you what you think you should do or not.
From what I can tell, calling his complaints "crying" and yours "laughing" is just rhetorical flourish, designed to make one sound worse and the other sound better without establishing any objective, qualitiative difference between the two.
Originally Posted by Little Devil
And no, I wouldn't make observations on your Idiosyncratic Breakfast because it's pretty much irrelevant what you eat, do, dress, and what not. All I can do is respect that you eat, do and dress the way you want to.

Originally Posted by Yoda
You said "there goes the 'it's all tongue in cheek' bs out of the window." Saying it goes "out the window" implies that it's an explanation or an excuse which has been proven false. The sentence doesn't really make sense otherwise (how can a "backhand comment" go "out the window")?
Originally Posted by Yoda
You just admitted you say "woe is me" specifically because he's whining...but somehow it's not a reference to the situation? How's that make sense
Originally Posted by Yoda
And if what is visible is not sufficient to draw conclusions from, we can refrain from drawing them.
Originally Posted by Yoda
It wasn't a defense, it was a question: what distinguishes his "crying" from your "laughing"? You're both complaining
Originally Posted by YodaIf I make inexplicable or idiosyncratic decisions about breakfast [i
and[/i] announce them to you, then sure, it'd be perfectly reasonable for you to tell me what you thought of them.
And no, I wouldn't make observations on your Idiosyncratic Breakfast because it's pretty much irrelevant what you eat, do, dress, and what not. All I can do is respect that you eat, do and dress the way you want to.

Originally Posted by The Rodent
Tbh I probably would, Dani 

Well would you give me a like if I called you an oxygen thief and a cretin, rattus? Doubtful I would think. My oldest sister just PMd me about how strange she found it. She and I only like comments or photos we actually like.
PS I would not call you an oxygen thief or a cretin.
PS I would not call you an oxygen thief or a cretin.

I do that myself tbh.
As an acknowledgement of the post... like, a nod to the poster.
Obviously I do it when I genuinely like a post too.
As an acknowledgement of the post... like, a nod to the poster.
Obviously I do it when I genuinely like a post too.

I've seen people who "Like" something as a way of just acknowledging they saw it, if they don't want to reply. Usually that's done with something positive or at least neutral, though. Odd.