The Shoutbox
The true voice of an angel.


Janeaane, get me the phone. I'm gonna book the headliner for the Catalina Wine Mixer.

And prolly something for Henchman 24 for the yellow, but I don't want to spoil anything.
RIP Blue and Yellow.

Forever lost will be the satisfaction of getting the last copy out of a wall of 80.
So tasty.
spam, spam, spam, spam!
Ahhhhhh, the sweet taste of spam in the evening!
All right. Everybody gone home for the day? Good, cuz the night janitor is here with a hip full of keys and 4 hours of deep Clapton cuts.

Do I have a 4Loco poured in to a gas station cup? When don't I?
They closed the campus to workers for tomorrow but said to work remotely. I took a vacation day. I swore after Apple that work would never again enter my personal space.