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The Shoutbox

Then go to bed.
You have a big day of being distraught over the premature and grizzly death of Spudly.
You have a big day of being distraught over the premature and grizzly death of Spudly.

Did you add it to the Gloassary?
Please do. It's a very important scientific theorem that will escalate us to the top of the scientific world. And yet unfortuantly put Spudly six feet under.
At least his name will live on in the theorem's name. If that's any consollation for being eaten by a 900 pound ape....
Please do. It's a very important scientific theorem that will escalate us to the top of the scientific world. And yet unfortuantly put Spudly six feet under.
At least his name will live on in the theorem's name. If that's any consollation for being eaten by a 900 pound ape....

Aren't you even a little worried that Spudly is going to die?! No, no, no. It's always you, you, you. Selfish-da-monzo!!

We'll call my theory of Time and Space, the "Spudly Principle".
The "Spudly Principle" works on the basis that NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS SPUD WILL END UP BEING EATEN BY A GORILLA.
Add that to the Glossary.
The "Spudly Principle".
The "Spudly Principle" works on the basis that NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS SPUD WILL END UP BEING EATEN BY A GORILLA.
Add that to the Glossary.
The "Spudly Principle".

Tomorrow you'll tell me that Spud was eaten by a Gorilla. Of course, you've already told me, you just don't know it yet. You're still in the past. You don't know that Spud has been eaten by a Gorilla yet.
You may not even tell me yet, because Spud may avoid Gorilla's, avoid getting eaten and then you wouldn't have told me and I wouldn't have told you in the past.
But then...
Wouldn't Spud have been eaten?
*twilight zone music*
You may not even tell me yet, because Spud may avoid Gorilla's, avoid getting eaten and then you wouldn't have told me and I wouldn't have told you in the past.
But then...
Wouldn't Spud have been eaten?
*twilight zone music*

Seen anything lately? Certainly: LOTR! It's as good as ever. I f*ckin' love that movie.
How could Future Chris tell you that he was eaten by a Gorilla?
How could Future Chris tell you that he was eaten by a Gorilla?