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The Shoutbox

I'm a werewolf. a pirate werewolf. one of the greatest in history, in fact. the greatest, actually. the. greatest. pirate werewolf. ever. at one time i was the greatest waswolf too. someday, in the future, i plan to be the greatest willwolf of all evers, ever. competition is tight though. i believe i can make it. i am the greatest, after all.
i'm burnin', i'm burnin', i'm burnin' for u.
i'm burnin', i'm burnin', i'm burnin' for u.

the more someone professes they’re a genius the less i believe them, so you must be a regular ole Dunning–Kruger

Why Interacting with a Woman Can Leave Men "Cognitively Impaired"
Thank God I'm a genius, so I can risk a minor impairment.
Thank God I'm a genius, so I can risk a minor impairment.

R.I.P. to Ewen McIntosh, a.k.a. Big Keith from The Office (UK). I'll eat a Scotch egg in your honor.

When that first game hit…
Nobody would have ever thought Cage the Elephant was actually a real band!
Awesome live, saw em’ at the Gorge 🥳
Nobody would have ever thought Cage the Elephant was actually a real band!
Awesome live, saw em’ at the Gorge 🥳

Looks like Borderlands is going with the GotG formula. Unfortunately, Kevin Hart causes formula to spoil.