The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by The Rodent
Originally Posted by John-Connor

OOO YEA!! Macho Man Randy Savage riding the Trickybus.. Good start to my weekend!
Originally Posted by John-Connor

Originally Posted by John McClane
one day ill be in need of reminding
Ill sit in the rocking chair next you. Ah, yesthe glory years.

Ill have started smoking again and Ill be in such a great mood all the time.
Cigs will be 🤔 the equivalent of $80 a pack, but we wont be using money anymore.

Probably selling content to the memory scavengers. Theyll be in there, but I wont know. Ill be a husk, but still a pain in somebodys ass 🫠
one day ill be in need of reminding
one day, i will be reminded of something.
That reminds me, need to add that to the queue.
yuup, you know your sci-fi stuff Mr. wtf.. 👍
Originally Posted by John-Connor

Chopping Mall!?
Originally Posted by Torgo
Werner Herzog needs to be on Hot Ones.
"Be sure to try the dark chocolate peanut butter cups, they're up by the register."