The Shoutbox
How so? All of them?

*scratches head*
i feel like YouTuber is synonymous with predator these days
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
Originally Posted by John McClane
Minio took his chill pill today with a fifth of vodka.
I don't do drugs.
i dunno. you come off as someone who mainlines acid and bile
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
I hate how much I hate changes.
I'm fine with my hate for changes
Originally Posted by Allaby
I've seen more than 5000 films so that means all my opinions are right!
It means you have a body of films you can compare any new film you watch to.

Originally Posted by John McClane
Minio took his chill pill today with a fifth of vodka.
I don't do drugs.
kind of a slow night here at the forms
Sounds fishy
we can be a school of fish.
According to my imdb ratings, I have seen 6,741 films.
a fish.
i could be a fish. i mean, if i really want to.

perhaps i am already a fish. a fish in a glass bowl with extraordinary technology at my disposal. my human could be an engineer, constructing ways of eye motion tracking. i could be like your scientist, now passed, identifying letters with my eyes and body twitching to slowly tap out messages from an ordered string of word options.