The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
You know you're addicted to films if it's 9:30 PM and you think you could fit in one more film today but decide not to and feel really bad because of that.
I very much relate. Then again, I just started a movie at 9.30 pm, because then it’ll be the last thing I think about at night, and I quite enjoy that.
You know you're addicted to films if it's 9:30 PM and you think you could fit in one more film today but decide not to and feel really bad because of that.
They should've asked about your favorite movies and then ask you out saying they don't hire normies
Were there any good "Microsoft" interview questions? Like, "how many optometrists are there in Seattle?"
they read questions off a packet and wrote as i spoke. there was no give and take.
Originally Posted by The Rodent
Didn't go down well.
Meaning she fell off the chair when trying to sit down on it?
Originally Posted by AgrippinaX
Originally Posted by John McClane
my interview yesterday was weird. really need this job
Weird how? In my experience, sometimes the weird ones do turn out well.
Well, the question was... Where do you see yourself in 2 years?
Answer JM gave was: In your chair.

Didn't go down well.
Originally Posted by John McClane
my interview yesterday was weird. really need this job
Weird how? In my experience, sometimes the weird ones do turn out well.
my interview yesterday was weird. really need this job
Resist the Cucumber Lime Gatorade propaganda!
I ain’t never met a helpful dog. So