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The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by FilmBuff
Originally Posted by exiler96
Originally Posted by AgrippinaX
I’m going to watch ‘Prima Facie’ again.
This is why I feel bad that Prima Facie still isn't available for home viewing, at least AFAIK.
If they ever make it available on streaming or blu-ray, I'm definitely watching it again because ONCE JUST WASN'T ENOUGH.
Originally Posted by exiler96
Originally Posted by AgrippinaX
I’m going to watch ‘Prima Facie’ again.
This is why I feel bad that Prima Facie still isn't available for home viewing, at least AFAIK.
If they ever make it available on streaming or blu-ray, I'm definitely watching it again because ONCE JUST WASN'T ENOUGH.
Originally Posted by AgrippinaX
I’m going to watch ‘Prima Facie’ again.
Originally Posted by AgrippinaX
Funnily enough, the thing I hate the most about social media is the idea of ‘reacting’. Granted, these are all manufactured reactions, but I guess to me a reaction is internal.
I don't doubt that sincere reactions can be externalized. If not, I would have to discount every smile, every laugh, every cry. There is, however, a quite hollow performativity in this odd genre of videos in which we watch people watch.
Originally Posted by Corax
Stumbled upon a YouTube reaction vid. Musician claims to have never heard "Good Vibrations" before. Uh huh. Yeah. Sure. Reaction vids are peculiar sort of theater. Reactors pretend to have virgin ears and virgin eyes and we get the vicarious experience of seeing and/or hearing that thing (again) for the first time. The set-up is about as plausible to the premise to most porn scenarios. But, like porn, it gets views, so cheap tricks still get clicks.
Stumbled upon a YouTube reaction vid. Musician claims to have never heard "Good Vibrations" before. Uh huh. Yeah. Sure. Reaction vids are peculiar sort of theater. Reactors pretend to have virgin ears and virgin eyes and we get the vicarious experience of seeing and/or hearing that thing (again) for the first time. The set-up is about as plausible to the premise to most porn scenarios. But, like porn, it gets views, so cheap tricks still get clicks.