The Shoutbox
i want a nuclear two seater
maybe a pool heater
overindulge, i am a poor eater
Originally Posted by I_Wear_Pants
Cape Cod ships ain't got no sails. Haul away, haul away! They blown off in the northeast gales, and we're bound away for Australia.
Cheaper to keep her, by coal, sail, or oar.
Once madness is gone, life is a bore.
Cape Cod ships ain't got no sails. Haul away, haul away! They blown off in the northeast gales, and we're bound away for Australia.
Originally Posted by LostInSauce
After much consideration, I shall proceed as follows. I shall have a frank conversation with her. If I don't feel a change, then I'm gonna leave her.
Leave her, Johnny. Leave her. Oh leave her, Johnny, leave her. For the wind is strong and sail is high and it's time enough to leave her.
Originally Posted by Sedai
But will my 5 year-old daughter like it?
She will probably like it quite a bit, but she might not fully appreciate the subtext
[quote=Mr Minio]
Originally Posted by LostInSauce
You can find out a lot thanks to that, i.e., what if she has some expectations/issues with you, too.
Very very true!
Originally Posted by Sedai
But will my 5 year-old daughter like it?
Your five-year-old will probably love it.
Blimey. Stay safe Cali peeps. Still looking really dire over there.
But will my 5 year-old daughter like it?
Originally Posted by Mr Minio
Wow, Flow was actually good? Looks too much like a video game but really neat apart from that!
I tried watching it, but it's so damned cutesy that I tapped out. I'll probably try again later. The aesthetic is just off. Hyper-real background features (e.g., water simulation) with crappy PS3-level rendering of the characters. It's jarring. I feel like a need a video game controller.
leaving work early to get my truck before the snow so i don't die when it starts.