The Shoutbox
Originally Posted by John McClane
gosh my grip is ****ed. i can barely hold a game boy some evenings
That's rough. Grip issues suck. Is there anything you can do for it? I can tell you what helped mine.
gosh my grip is ****ed. i can barely hold a game boy some evenings
the disappointment when you see your package just arrived at the Indianapolis USPS depot. yup
And then there's suggesting to the owl-humanoid to cook eggs in his new iron skillet.
I used to poach eggs with mild frequency. Now eggs have a tendency to give me heartburn. It doesn't happen every time I eat eggs and it doesn't matter how they're prepared or how I feel; sometimes I get heartburn, sometimes I don't.
Haha, there's a quest in Morrowind where you go after egg poachers. I was like, "Bethesda, are you trolling me?"
I ain't no poacher!!
Originally Posted by John McClane
sorry, but poached eggs will always be the greatest breakfast.
I poached eggs once.
Farmer nearly caught me as I was high-tailing it across the field and over a hedge.
I dropped at least half of them as well.

Almost wasn't worth it.