[quote=The Silver Bullet]When I grow up I want to be Spam.[/quote]
[quote=mightymose]At least I post my spam in the misc. thread ;)[/quote]
[quote=The Silver Bullet]Spudly? You've become Spam?! You have to alert us of your presence as Spam?! Oh No![/quote]
[quote=mightymose]I have bust a move queued up on my MP3 player at work... that and Principal's office... Yeah baby![/quote]
[quote=spudracer]SPAM ALERT SPAM ALERT!!![/quote]
[quote=sadesdrk]"If you want it. You got it. If you want it, baby...you got it."[/quote]
[quote=The Silver Bullet]:yup:[/quote]
[quote=sadesdrk]Member that song," Bust a Move"?[/quote]
[quote=The Silver Bullet]I tried to drink a lot of milk. That's all I'm saying. A lot of milk consumption was going down.[/quote]
[quote=sadesdrk]what?! refresh my memory...[/quote]