The Shoutbox
Blah. They're just chocolate, man. That's ALL. Nothing more. You can imagine all you want, but the green one does NOT taste al.
It's not so much a forum.
Just take a look. It's quite well done.
Peanuts CAN'T be used to perfection!!
Mars rocks!! Snickers stinks!!

M&M's take the cake in the end though, over all the bars, these crisp candy shelled bite size peices of chocolate RULE.
Blah, a forum? I hate it already.

Interesting, though. I guess this means we can all join and easily determine a winner?

You go there, and log in, right?
You need a Yahoo account.
Then, go to "Join a Private Group".

Then the MoFo Group ID# is:


The password is:


We've got a little message board, chat and a place to make offical picks and changes up until the date, and when that's done we get a ranking out of everyone on Yahoo who joined the poll, and then out of MoFo.

What does you think?
Proud of the Mole?

eh, ok then.
Sounds like a Three Musketeers. Picnic? Nope, don't think so. Snickers are AWESOME, you got it? Get used to it, bud, because it is an undeniable LAW. I'm not a peanuts guy, but Snickers, amazingly, uses them to absolute perfection.
Hey Chris, I've worked out how we're to do our Oscar tipping thing. I'll give a link to it in a jiffy...
Look, a Mars bar is a Snickers bar without the peanuts and a hell of a lot more nougat. It is a pleasure to eat, much more so than Snickers.

Ever had a Picnic? Those things are evil...
What're Mars bars made of? I don't see them 'round here much. Then again, my candy knowledge has waned significantly (amazingh ow everything comes back to Seinfeld, isn't it?)
I don't know....