The Shoutbox
I bought a P3 800mhz with 256mb of ram, Cd Burner and an ATI 64 vid card for 300 bucks at our factory store... works like a champ
I've built my own computer before... but find it much easier to just got out and buy one now. I no longer have the time or patience required to put my own together... plus if something goes wrong I just call someone up and yell at them until they fix it, which is much easier than noodling it out myself
Bah. Sorry, I really, really like Dell. It's served we exceedingly well so far. I like both, but you may be right about their primary use...regardless, I dig it. Compaq will always be my first, though.
I have a computer that isn't namebrand and it SUCKS.

I would like to get a new one, but the money for it isn't where it should be so I can't. I COULD gut this one out and start over, and it would cost less, but finding the parts I need would be a challenge in itself.
Ahhh!!! You tell me that now Toose! I just picked up the Presario 2700 and am loving it. I could do without the new version of Windows, but I set it up to run like 98, so all's well. We have Gateway's at work and they are complete and utter crap, as was my old Compaq (3 years ago?). I have an HP desktop at home and love it... I've actually bought 3 more for other people.

I think the first computer I ever bought was an Apple IIe... LOL. I think it might actually be stored at my parents, along with my Tandy and 66mhz Packard Bell... LOL.
Dell's primary focus is the home PC. The guts are not as robust. Compaq started making hardcore business machines and simply scaled those down a bit to allow pricing for the home market. With Compaq you a way more robust package
The first computer I ever bought was/is a Compaq: a Presario 5204 back in late 1998, I believe. Not bad...I dig it. Some partioning mistakes have it sitting in my room without a C: drive now, though. I admit I prefer Dell (sorry, Matt!)...but Compaq's cool, too.
Yes... buy Compaq and remember that Toose gets discounts
If anyone here has a mind to buy a laptop, I must warn you: stay away from Gateway.
For some reason Compaq PC's were susceptible to alot of operating system difficulties. Since the introduction of winME they seem to doing much better. Thanks for buying that laptop!
Sound fun Toose My new laptop is a Compaq and I couldn't be happier, which is surprising b/c I vowed I would never by another after my Compaq desktop turned out to be a giant paperweight...

Oh, and yes, I am on the East Coast, kind of... MI to be exact.