The deadline for the Top Musicals list is coming up! Submit your ballot now, or read about it here
The Shoutbox
Bah, I hate that. My back gets all funky with any sustained amount of lifting. I'm too young to have my back giving me problems.
I know how that is...
My back's gonna be sore... not used to this physical labor. Being a desk jockey hasn't been kind
I think it's just because everyone IS working today, we're usually just puttin' around talkin to people on here, and today we have things to do.
I've been very productive...actually contributing to the bottom line by helping get parts out the door... it's nice not just being overhead

Toose: Glad you're not here still... HMI has laid off 3900 people this year... ouch!
Weird day, man. A few people not getting online as usual, or not getting online until late, and the boards kinda funky in traffic (ups and downs and I dunno whats). WEIRD DAY SO FAR. Very weird.
Now I'm the only one here...
I'm the only one here!
Nevermind...I see you have...
Chris..did you work in the ALT+S feature yet? too...I'm actually doing a cool new webpage