The Shoutbox
Well, either way
I have 2000 at home actually I'll send it there and do what i need to do.. nevermind
Yup... just a sec
Dang! I have access 97 looks like you created this with 2000... can you save it as a 97 db and resend it?
LOL... Tell 'em what's up T!!

Toose: That would be awesome... I'm in the shop again tomorrow so I'll have an excuse to tell the boss why it's not done... It's hard to type with a powder gun in my hand, LOL.
Mose, looks like I'l be able to check out your DB tomorrow
Yeah, right. Before the flower finishes coming to life he'll be sliced in half with a light saber.
E.T. can beat up Yoda
I know the feeling Fire... after weeks of 3-4 hour/night my body just feels worn out and my mind isn't as sharp as it should be (is it ever? LOL). That's why I try to crash for a long time on weekends... but I've been told by my doctor that I am an idiot and the 'binge sleeping' is actually much worse for me.
I'm a night person myself, and get an average of about 4 hours of sleep a night. I really should cut that s*** out.

Indeed. Sleep is a wild beast. I can plan to go to sleep early...bulid the end of my day around it...and it'll still get thrown out of whack. I'm helpless.