The Shoutbox
Hey goes it?
Dude, get over it. Upload an avatar. It's not exactly the inscription on your tombstone, buddy.
Well I finally got the board up and running but I haven't been able to get the layout and colors right... Eventually I will, but at least it's up, that's a start and just click on the message board link if you want to check it out.
It's killing me.
I've narrowed it down to three things:
  • A picture of a Small Orange Waterpistol
  • A Picture of a Cartoon Walrus
  • A Pyschadelic Cartoon Picture of Myself

The note of 'A' drove one of the composers mad.
I feel I am next to be driven to the brink of insanity due to this fiasco...
These tough decisions in life have driven lesser men mad SB
I am really torn up over this whole avatar thing.
It's really killing me. I feel as though I should get one.
But none of them work for me.

Serenity Now!!
I was thinking the same thing... I get here and everyone hushes up. It must be a conspiracy
It's quiet.
Too quiet...
Anyone catch Andy Richter Controls the Universe?

I'm sitting down to catch the encore presentation and it looks hilarious!
The Gorilla will have his day...
Or night. Wink. Wink. Rape. Rape. Nudge. Nudge.
I told you it was today Spud! I bribed the dang zookeeper for goodness sake!