The deadline for the Top Musicals list is coming up! Submit your ballot now, or read about it here
The Shoutbox
Morning, Mose.
Good morning everyone!
Yeah it ended well. Which is good. We talked about movies a lot (go figure), and so my mini-theater will get some business here before long.
I know the type, Spudly. I hope it brought some sort of closure.

Lots of smilies...I guess people are having fun with all this.
Talkin to an old friend on here and it's one of those conversations you can't leave until you've gotten everything out there on the table.
Beddie beddie!!!
Wakie wakie!!!
Mista T...pitties the foo that calls him TWT.
I call my dad T... but that's b/c he reminds me of Tony Suprano
It's cool, I like being called T sometimes. It's a good nickname to have.