The Shoutbox
Yup, I downloaded that. Not bad.
It actually aired last night on E!, but I don't have E!
I just watched a clip from the movie on SpidermanHype. Very cool...the bridge scene.
Yeah, I know; in 104 minutes.
What a lively crowd...

Hey Spider-Man trailer is released today...the new one that is.
Well, my semi-rugged beard. It's in its developing stages.

I wish my weak goatee could evolve into a "rugged beard."
And I'm sure you all wanted to know that...
My rugged beard is drawing attention. My friend, who said she hated it, couldn't stop playing with it last night.
I'm SOOOOO stupid. I edited a file last night and took out the submit button so I can't add things in right now. ARGH. It's kinda funny though. we go again...

I did put a board on my site, but took it down cause I didn't have the time to mess with it right now. Wanted to get the more important stuff up first.

I was/am using phpBB, which is better than Ikonboard, IMO. It's free too.