The Shoutbox
Where is everyone?!?
Hello Children of The Corn.
i gotta run. to whoever's here-

HEY HEY HEY...I leave to take a nap and this is what I come back to.
Wow... the Box got weird in a hurry! Comparing Spud to a dog... I can't believe we've sunk so low
Yep, second time's a charm. My vote still goes to Spudly, though.
okay, yeah...I can see how eyes all over your papery, brown, dirty attractive to others. Then, when you peel back his skin and reveal that lushes, starchy, whiteness...OH YEAH!
Man I wanted that reaction...

ENOUGH! (That was so damn funny!)
Damn, missed it by 7 seconds. Needless to say, I concur with Matt.
I must disagree. Spudly is extremely cute.