The Shoutbox
That was a good line. But not as good as this one (it's immortal):

"I work with retards."
"...I got a job with Rice-a-Roni"
"Aren't they the..San Fransisco treat?..."
Hola guys...anyone alive out there?
me too. Work phooey!
Hi Twityty! did you miss me? Still worshiping the anti-christ?
I gotta go, just came by to say "hello!"
Well...gotta run Froggy...later
they each set out a potato which has been decorated, some are boiled some are raw, and then they wait for a tornado. The potato that flies the farthest is the winner. So then Maude says, you mean they go out after the tornado is over and look for their potatos? Lord, how do they ever find them? It must take hours. So I says, I say, it's a way to kill time I guess
Really what it is is I take a potato rig it with a motor and race someone else's potato and we see who wins...
Racer is part of my old nickname which was Speed Racer...

After you see the way I drive, you'll understand the racer's part in being in my name... then I says, I say, well he lives in Kansas what are kids supposed to do for fun? and Maude says, she says, well I guess, when you put it that way
That's why I usually sign as Spuder-Man... then I says, Maude, he likes potatos, I says and Maude says and what's the racer part?