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The Shoutbox
I'd go the Seinfeld route:

"It's funny...because it's real."

Same thing though, of course.
"It's funny because it's true."
That's the funniest damned thing I've heard just made my day Holden.
A friend of mine was actually a clown with Ringling Bros. - went to clown college in Florida and everything. He has sex with a couple other clowns during his tenure. Almost got drunk enough to screw the midget clown (she was drunk too, though obviously it took less alcohol for her), but chickened out.

He eventually married a gal from the circus, one of the dancers who also rode elephants at one point in the show.

Sadly, this is all 100% true. They're still married. You'd have to ask her what it's like to f*ck a clown.

Mornin guys
Meanwhile, what about sex with clowns?

I've had strong sexual attraction to a girl who could blow up balloons and make puppies with them...

She hated the job, but boy could she could blow those dogs...
Iwas going to say he may be needing the knowledge, but then memory kicked in and I thought it would be unwise...
Write it down io report us to the S.P.C.A., whichever you feel is right.
Maybe I should write this down...
Which in my case it was.
As I said, things did not go down well.

I couldn't walk for a week.

Matt's Dog Sex Tip:
File the dog's teeth first...