The Shoutbox
Geeze, Yoda, keep up, you're supposed to be a Jedi.

Look, you've got the Death Star trying to shoot a moon, which is behind a planet, yes?.




But if they have a gun that can destroy planets, WHY WAIT FOR THE MOON TO COME FROM BEHIND IT?!?!
No, wait, now I see what you're asking. Anyhoo, I'm not as sure about that. I don't know what the immediate effects of the planet's destruction would have on the moon (I've never seen a planet destroyed before). Is it possible that would give the rebels time to evacuate, whereas a direct hit on the moon would annihilate them instantly?
The Star Wars geek e-mailed me back some long rambling manifesto about the chemical make-up of the planet, that such gas giants couldn't be exploded in such a manner as Alderan. When I asked him where he got the chemical make-up of the planet and the exact power specifications of the Death Star's laser he was a little less forthcoming, it was just something I had to accept out of logic.

But even if I grant that nonsense as truth (if it's a gas giant and essentially not a solid, why not just shoot through it I countered. Again, some rambling thing about physics that I just "had" to believe), the other question is if the Death Star was able to travel all that way, basically less than a full day behind The Mellinium Falcon, and if I give you tah it can't blow up the planet itsel, why drive the Death Star all that way only to stop before the moon was fixed as a target? How many space miles had they traveled to get there, now they have to wait an hour for the moon to orbit to THEM?

That answer was something about engines diverting power from the laser, but clearly when Tarkin is on that bridge waiting to give the order, the wait is never abou lasers charging, it's only about the moon being in range.

Anyway, it's funny when these guys devote their lives to what are essentially Fantasy films and not even Science-Fiction fer cripe's sake.
I'm not sure if I follow: are you saying they should shoot the moon, and then shoot the planet? If so, I'd have to imagine (it's a guess, but I think a reasonable one) that they can't just "re-load" a blast of that magnitude as if they were slipping another magazine into a handgun. I think it'd probably take a significant amount of time to charge.
I e-mailed one of those guys a couple years ago with a plot-hole question from the original Star Wars that had always bugged me since I was eight-years-old. It's this...

During the final assault on the Death Star, the Rebel forces are able to launch an attack and ultimately destroy the space station because Tarkin and his cronies are waiting for the moon with the Rebel base to orbuit around into range. I was eight and had seen the movie over fifteen times when it finally hit me one day: if they have a weapon that can DESTROY PLANETS, why in the frippin' Hell are they waiting for the moon to come around the planet so they can shoot it? Hey, General, I have an idea: let's just blow-up the damn planet! That's surely gonna take care of any and all moons in orbit, yes?
They are indeed. Though this one inparticular appears to be making a living off of his hobbies (movies/Star Wars) I'd say he gets the last laugh compared to most (even if it's a laugh accompanied by a dorkish snort).
don't worry hlods i won't be there either.
Those full-time Star Wars experts who catalogue all such information as if it is a scholarly subject are a hoot.
He never would. The only place that kind of detailed background would be found would be in one of the various novels, etc. However, I fired an email off to a professional Star Wars geek, who confirmed to me that no information is available on the subject. Drat.

Sorry to hear you won't be enjoying Lucas' latest work of digital art. I sure as hell will.
Golly, me too. I hope Unca' Georgie answers these burning questions in the next Star Wars movie that I won't be seeing.
You know what I mean. Personally I'd be significantly interested in the backstory, if one exists, behind the Jedi Warrior. Is his whole race like that? Is he the absolute last of his kind? And so on and so forth and whatnot.