The Shoutbox
Headed? It's arrived there and trashed the place already.
This conversation is heading for dark territory
Wow, Raziel, if your not against analization, I know some back-door friends who'd like to party with you!
i am not against analazation, lets just keep it in simpler terms for us not so smart people
It's certainly a series of films best left enjoyed, and not analyzed too heavily. This is all an exercise in futility...but, as a friend of mine once said, "my whole life is an exercise in futility. Why should this be any different?"
i second that motion. you guys lost me at star wars
Here's a vague, far-fetched, but perhaps POSSIBLE theory: were they too close to blow up the planet? Perhaps the explosion would have damaged them. Was the moon farther away?

Of course, then we have to wonder why they got so close in the first place...though many technical reasons can be found for that, I'm sure. Again, not that it matters. If you want to stretch a little, plausible (though highly improbable) explanations can likely be found.
Well, I still have my doubts. It's not uncommon for me to think I've discovered a plot hole, only to hear, from someone responsible for the film, a perfectly plausible explanation to plug it up. Perhaps your thinking lies on another, higher plane, and as such, this has never happened to you...but regardless, I'm not passing judgement yet.

Not that it matters.
I'm no astorphysicist, but surely if the Earth were to be blown up (as we saw Alderan destroyed earlier in the movie), it would be enough to at the very least badly damage the moon, throw it out of orbit, remove it's atmosphere, etc. Even without the additional effects in the so-called Special Edition, those are big explosions, completely destroying the planet, leaving nothing but chunks in an asteroid field. That just seems like basic logic to me, no heavy science required.

It's just a plot hole, no other way to explain it. I mean that's fine, it harkens back to the Flash Gordon serial roots Lucas was so enthralled by as a kid, but don't then as some kind of Star Wars "expert" try to un-dig the hole with mumbo jumbo that isn't in the text of the film's narrative at all. It's just a silly Fantasy movie plot hole, no biggie. Why not leave it at that?

Naw, I'm supposed to be a web developer who likes to pretend to be a Jedi to make himself feel more grown up than he is. Anyhoo, a couple possible answers lie below. But yes, the film is primarily fantasy anyway. No argument there.
Geeze, Yoda, keep up, you're supposed to be a Jedi.

Look, you've got the Death Star trying to shoot a moon, which is behind a planet, yes?.




But if they have a gun that can destroy planets, WHY WAIT FOR THE MOON TO COME FROM BEHIND IT?!?!