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Manchester By The Sea - +

Great film. Top four of 2016 for me so far. I'm pretty tired right now so i don't have that much to say but anyway.
Casey was great he deserves the praise he's been getting. I thought the flashback structure was used to great effect, showing how happy and just genuinely lively Lee was before compared to his current day lifeless self was a good move. Everybody in Manchesters reaction to hearing about him "the Lee Chandler?", etc, really created genuine intrigue to finding out what happened and went well with the flashbacks. The film took a sharp turn when i found out what happened, up to that point the film had had a sombre tone but of course that heavily escalated it. The actual scene was great, the music and the cutting between the most horrible moment in his life and the present where he has to make this enormous decision which is even bigger here because it means he'll have to trust himself to have responsibility again, how it completely explained why he is the way he is now, the gun, etc, really excellent scene. Lucas Hedges was very good too, think he deserves his Oscar nom. I loved how through his constant prodding and his own problems he forced some life back into Lee. His breakdown scene at seeing the freezer for example, that was legitimately unsettling i thought at first he may have been having a heart attack; wasn't sure if his fathers disease was hereditary or not but that's definitely what went through my head at first, well acted by Hedges. He was a real smartass too, loved some of his interactions with Lee "what happened to your hand?" "I cut it." "Oh, for a moment there i didn't know what happened."

Overall it had a great cast. Quite a few people popped up that i wasn't expecting; Matthew Broderick, Tate Donovan, Kara Hayward, etc. Got to be honest though, the one thing i don't completely agree with is the praise for Michelle Williams. She was fine i just didn't find anything special in her performance and i really don't understand why everyone else apparently did. That's not to say i didn't like their scenes together though; her apologizing scene was fantastic and practically everything after that was very powerful. Great film.
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My favorite part of that movie is the scene where you find out why Affleck's character is so damaged. Heartbreaking moment.
My favorite part of that movie is the scene where you find out why Affleck's character is so damaged. Heartbreaking moment.
WARNING: "mancheter by the sea" spoilers below
The Williams apology scene too, seeing her completely destroyed because she knows partially because of her actions even though they were 100% understandable Lee will never be the same again. Just the thought that at that moment he needed to be told it wasn't his fault, it was an accident, and he wasn't off the person he needed it most from was heartbreaking. Especially because you can't fault her in anyway for reacting that way; such a horrible situation.
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Got to be honest though, the one thing i don't completely agree with is the praise for Michelle Williams. She was fine i just didn't find anything special in her performance and i really don't understand why everyone else apparently did. .
I thought she gave a huge performance, every moment she was on screen. Although she's achingly similar in 'Blue Valentine' too.
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That was one of the most well acted, most gutwrenching scenes I have ever seen in cinema.
She was very good in that scene i agree, just didn't know if it was just for that scene since it was only a few minutes and she wasn't great/wasn't in much else. She was better overall in Certain Women i though.
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If i'm honest Casey got to me more in that scene. Probably because that was the first time he'd really shown any emotion in the present time and he was trying to fight it off.
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Not meant as a slight to you by the way SL, I'm just genuinely surprised. I'll have to pay more attention next time I see it. Certainly well-acted, but not a scene that blew my head off.
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I was an emotional wreck before that scene. After it I was nearly in danger of not being able to concentrate on the movie. Not neccesarily a confirmation of a great movie but yes I was affected by that scene in particular.

Lion (2016)
Through the 2nd act of this move I thought it was going to be another sentimental Slumdog Millionaire type trainwreck. But it ended being quite good. The story is quite incredible, and I think you'd have to be cold hearted not to find a little grit in your eye at the end. I did groan at Rooney Mara skipping on the opposite street - a scene which wouldn't have been out of place in the p1ss take scene in 500 Days of Summer. And although Nicole Kidman was terrific, her teary speech towards the end was a little too deep and felt somewhat forced. That said, it is a good film, the first act is wonderful. It entertained me. That's all I was after.
Through the 2nd act of this move I thought it was going to be another sentimental Slumdog Millionaire type trainwreck. But it ended being quite good. The story is quite incredible, and I think you'd have to be cold hearted not to find a little grit in your eye at the end. I did groan at Rooney Mara skipping on the opposite street - a scene which wouldn't have been out of place in the p1ss take scene in 500 Days of Summer. And although Nicole Kidman was terrific, her teary speech towards the end was a little too deep and felt somewhat forced. That said, it is a good film, the first act is wonderful. It entertained me. That's all I was after.
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Deepwater Horizon (2016)


This is a recreation of the tragic 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. It's a pretty solid action film, but a good step below the previous Mark Wahlberg/Peter Berg collaboration, Lone Survivor. Joining Marky Mark is Kurt Russell, John Malkovich, and Kate Hudson in the thankless role of the wife at home worrying. I don't know what happened to her career. Director Berg is very good with the explosions, and I think films like this in general. I think the material is a bit limiting in potential. What was a major news story doesn't sound that interesting to me in this format, and I think would be a better watch as a documentary. The guys try to save themselves and each other and that's about it. I think it turned out about as good as one could expect, but I think the movie will be easily forgotten. There was a nice tribute at the end for the men who lost their lives.
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Nowhere (1997) -
Good Lord.
Good Lord.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
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Key Largo (1948) -
Listen to me Marlon (2015) -
The Reef (2010) -
Trolls (2016) -
Listen to me Marlon (2015) -
The Reef (2010) -
Trolls (2016) -
Too weird to live, and too rare to die.
Too weird to live, and too rare to die.
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Deepwater Horizon (2016)
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The first film ever to physically hurt me.
Let me explaine...
Early in the movie, James Woods' character gets ahold of a tape explaining a mysterious broadcast called "Videodrome". As he walk over to the Betamax deck to put it in...it starts breathing, buckling in and out. That's where this movie hurt me...because I jumped backwards in my seat, smacking the back of my head into a concrete wall hard enough for me to see stars dancing in front of my eyes.
After an icepack, some painkillers, some choice swear words and a doctor comfirming I didn't have a concussion, I sat back down to finish the movie. Can't say it was worth it, unfortunately.
The first film ever to physically hurt me.
Let me explaine...
Early in the movie, James Woods' character gets ahold of a tape explaining a mysterious broadcast called "Videodrome". As he walk over to the Betamax deck to put it in...it starts breathing, buckling in and out. That's where this movie hurt me...because I jumped backwards in my seat, smacking the back of my head into a concrete wall hard enough for me to see stars dancing in front of my eyes.
After an icepack, some painkillers, some choice swear words and a doctor comfirming I didn't have a concussion, I sat back down to finish the movie. Can't say it was worth it, unfortunately.
Why not just kill them? I'll do it! I'll run up to Paris - bam, bam, bam, bam. I'm back before week's end. We spend the treasure. How is this a bad plan?
Why not just kill them? I'll do it! I'll run up to Paris - bam, bam, bam, bam. I'm back before week's end. We spend the treasure. How is this a bad plan?
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Too bad you didn't enjoy Videodrome. If you thought the tv breathing was creepy enough to make you jump, maybe don't watch any of Cronenberg's other earlier films haha.
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