Francis Ford Coppola's Megalopolis


The trick is not minding
Those are also horror films...this is a movie about a man with a super power who is trying to save his city.

The case can be made that it's one of the dozen or different half baked genres that Coppola pushed out.
I’ll see it for myself, but I haven’t seen any reviews comparing it to superhero movies.

I’ll see it for myself, but I haven’t seen any reviews comparing it to superhero movies.
I haven't seen any, either

On Letterboxd, the ratings are starting to show a clear winner. Although most of the ratings are still even, there's a clear winner in the 2-star section. The most popular review is a joke five-star review about watching it when you're high. I really suggest you read it.

You see you gotta go into the movie the same way as Francis Ford Coppola, blazed out of your ****ing mind. You gotta meet him on the same plane, the same level of thinking. Hitting the cart 6 times before entering the showing like I did.

And only then will you find out this is the best anti drug PSA ever

This movie genuinely made me want to avoid weed for as long as I live. If this movie is any indication on what smoking for two years straight has done to my mind then holy shit. I’m ****ing scared sober.

There is unbelievable levels of self sucking going on here that you know what, I respect. To push your life to get your dream project done is absolutely admirable even if the final product is doo doo from a butt. To put an end to your regrets as you reach the finish line of life by completing your final dream. For that very reason I have to applaud a man so driven to see it through even if it makes absolutely no sense to the hundreds of millions that are [not] watching this movie.

Everything just makes no sense. There’s microsoft powerpoint title cards, the acting is so inconsistently directed, the ending just happens like they accidentally deleted a scene. I found myself just thoroughly entertained by the sheer level of insanity on display with a budget that only a psycho would put their money against.

This shit is ass but I laughed. But also not ass and endearing? Idk maybe the 5 stars ironic maybe they’re not you’ll never know
Also the cgi in this reminded me of Ninja Sex Party music videos
Also Francis Ford Coppola would love Epcot bro like just make a trip or somethin"

I have to admit, I got a good chuckle out of this

Oh, to live in an alternate universe where the world at large would actually embrace daring works of art!

The Guy Who Sees Movies
Gee whizzo. Getting all worked up by a movie that nobody's seen yet. I'll reserve judgement until it's actually released and I see it (I certainly will).

Gee whizzo. Getting all worked up by a movie that nobody's seen yet. I'll reserve judgement until it's actually released and I see it (I certainly will).
Don't take this the wrong way, but my autism fails me this time. Is this a joke post or a post in the wrong thread? I mean, at least a couple of us saw it in theaters.

Here's an interesting comparison that hadn't crossed my mind.

I happen to really love both movies, neither one of which is the kind of thing most normies would probably enjoy. They are both works of visionaries genius that I love and find endlessly rewatchable.

Of course the Wenders film (with the longest version running almost 5 hours) makes Coppola's latest seem like a relatively short movie!

So, an article came out where they asked some of the top directors working today what they thought about Megalopolis.

I thought the answers were very interesting - and by some odd coincidence, their enthusiasm for the movie is very similar to my own. Weird, huh?

Spike Lee: My brother continues to amaze me and his fearlessness, like he's going to do what he has to do to get it done. Bottom line.

Spike Jonze: I’m still smiling from it. Radical. I’ve never seen anything like it. I remember hearing about it but never could have imagined what it came to be. There was so much I loved about it, but the tone was the thing that got most under my skin. It was funny and alive and electric and made the world and ideas so vivid. The performances Francis created with the actors and the details of the world… I laughed out loud the whole time. The play and surrealism and joy of creating. It’s incredible that he’s been thinking and working on it as long as he has but it still felt of today, about now and the world we are both in and careening towards.

Guillermo del Toro: Francis is still the same bold, fearless, inventive filmmaker that he was in his 20’s. I was Swept by Megalopolis!

Steven Soderbergh: WOW! This might be the craziest thing ever shot on American soil. Certainly, one of the most sustained acts of pure imagination I’ve ever seen. I dreamt about it all night—it was inspiring!

And the directors who didn't like it? Did you plan on posting those, too?

Imdb is ranking it a 5.1 right now. In a way, that actually satisfies me. I've been worried that my opinions make be too conformist at times. Take a look at how I view The Godfather: no. 1 of all time for me. But now I have a five-star that lots of people hate, and I have a good review proving my opinion values the bulk rather than the spectacle. So something about that sets me free from the worry. It also kinda makes me feel like a rebel. :P

The Guy Who Sees Movies
Don't take this the wrong way, but my autism fails me this time. Is this a joke post or a post in the wrong thread? I mean, at least a couple of us saw it in theaters.
My oops. I thought it was opening this weekend....just checked and my go to theater opened today.

My oops. I thought it was opening this weekend....just checked and my go to theater opened today.
I have watched this 4 times already - definitely would recommend!

I have watched this 4 times already - definitely would recommend!
Yes. We know. We can read threads. You see, we wouldn't be posting unless we knew how to read.

My oops. I thought it was opening this weekend....just checked and my go to theater opened today.
Nevertheless, I would technically recommend it based on my personal feelings, but it's definitely the type of movie you have to come prepared for. Watch a couple of experimental movies right before, and acknowledge the visuals without being distracted by them.

Just a FYI for y'all - Coppola is going to be answering questions about Megalopolis later today on the official Megalopolis account

The trick is not minding
Just saw this. Went to a late night showing and really enjoyed it. I don’t think it’s FFC’s best film (that would be Apocalypse Now) but it’s easily top ten.
It’s not without its flaws, but easily among the best I’ve seen this year.

Glad to hear you enjoyed it!

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Since Coppola is so keen on "starting a debate"... is it possible that he made two versions of this movie, a good one and a bad one and put both out into cinemas just to divide audiences...?

Anyway, I watched this with an open mind, but it was pretty bad. An absolute lack of narrative sense, flow or pace. Characters don't talk to each either, they pontificate or quote Shakespeare or Marcus Aurelius and nobody undergoes any character development whatsoever. The world building is shoddy and everything is overexplained (literally, through voiceover and title cards). Instead of having parallels to ancient Rome, people literally walk around in togas. The followers of the populist politician wear red caps. There is no subtlety. Too much of it appears to be a dream sequence or drug-induced hallucination which is the most tedious thing to watch. It's also cringily sexist in so many ways. The ending just sort of happens and feels distinctly unearned.

Adam Driver plays a genius architect with time-stopping powers who may or may not have murdered his wife, like he's escaped from a rejected first draft of a Christopher Nolan script. Was this made during the screen-writers strike? Or should Coppola have sold another vineyard to pay for a better script-writer?

On the plus side, there are some nice costumes and scenery in some scenes. Aubrey Plaza as the ridiculously named Wow Platinum has some campy charm. And does a weirdly out of place Parks and Rec reference. That's about it for the plus side.

Since Coppola is so keen on "starting a debate"... is it possible that he made two versions of this movie, a good one and a bad one and put both out into cinemas just to divide audiences...?

Anyway, I watched this with an open mind, but it was pretty bad. An absolute lack of narrative sense, flow or pace.
I haven’t seen this yet, but a bit confused — are there actually two? Which one is the ‘good one’?

I haven’t seen this yet, but a bit confused — are there actually two? Which one is the ‘good one’?
The one that Coppola made is the good one, there's only one version.

Having said that, it is experimental filmmaking, so it isn't for everyone

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I haven’t seen this yet, but a bit confused — are there actually two? Which one is the ‘good one’?

Whatever FilmBuff saw

No, there aren't actually two, as far as I'm aware. I'd put money on a director's cut in the future, though.