Due to Hurricane Katrina…


Lets put a smile on that block
Hows it all looking now?

I watched a fox news report on CNN last night presented by some Hiraldo guy and it was absoloutly ridiculous. He was saying things like 'This is the perfect storm, America has never seen anything like this, any town in it's path will be obliterated and we can all say goodbye to New Orleans as it will be nothing but a toxic waste dump of a town festering in it's wreckage and the victims of Katrina's power'. I was mortified this moron was even reporting the news. I thought it was a spoof or a joke at first.
Pumpkins scream in the DEAD of night!

Originally Posted by susan
watching pictures of french quarter flooding...it's horrible...
It could have been even worse if New Orleans had got a direct hit of Katrina. Also best of wishes to Caity, hope you are safe.
Evil lives...

I bet Caitlyn has been working all this time and not running anywhere. I dunno about Lib, tho'.

Of course I'm worried about their welfare...financial and physical. Losing their homes is certainly possible.
"Today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

Sir Sean Connery's love-child
I have a good friend in New Orleans that I met at film school, can't reach him by phone or e-mail, whilst I'm sure he's ok, it's still worrying.
I hope Caity is safe and well, I can't believe the destruction caused, it will take a long time to fix.
Hopefully Caity will post soon and let us know she is ok.
Hey Pepe, would you say I have a plethora of presents?

Toga, toga, toga......

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbour?

Hey all, I have not got my power back at home yet, I am up at my shop long enough to check a few things out and I am running on a generator. Here at Pensacola we caught the edge of the storm, it was pretty bad here, but i know much worse from Mobile Al. all The way to New Orleans. I went through Ivan less than a year ago and the news coverage is spotty at best. Local news reports deaths in Gulfport of people who wanted to leave and could not because they had no transportation. I know a lot of finger pointing is going to be done, but we have enough military in the local areas alone to have helped these people get to safety. It is a shame that people had to die at all, but if you made a choice to stay you were the one taking the risk; if you wanted out however someone in this wonderfully great rich country of ours should have given you a ride. I will speak a little more on this as time permits, right now I am in cleanup mode and very glad that we avoided the brunt of the storm here. Best wishes to Caity and the other MOFO's who were hit the hardest. If there is anything at all I can do I will be more than glad to help you out. I know the recovery process takes months or even years.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Most likely, they're perfectly fine and helping out the less fortunate.
The entire area is without power - millions of people - so they probably won't be able to get word to us for awhile.
Review: Cabin in the Woods 8/10

Originally Posted by nebbit
Nice to hear you are ok 7thboy
Thank you Darling...

I am really at a loss of what to say. The deaths are mounting and the suffering is unrelenting. I see stories of looting and guess what I think about it? Nothing at all, if my family needed something and it was there I would take it. I am not condoning crime so please do not take it as that. I see so much suffering that the looting is so much on the back burner. I say this because it is so easy for people to look at the news and think: hey look those black people are taking advantage of a terrible situation and making away from some buisness owners stuff.. yadda yadda yadda who cares..... I am a bit bitter yes I have to admit that. If you can follow along with my thoughts please do, if not then thats okay too. I have been through so much over the last few years of my life. Hell I have been through Hell over the last 2 decades of my life. I am not asking for pity though, so please do not thake my "whinning" as such. I am very lucky. My children are all healthy and are alive. If that is what it takes to make one grateful then Lord I am. It is hard for me to relay my thoughts here in a way that is empathetic, sympathetic yes thats easy, but empathetic is tough. I am not sure what I am saying here other than: My home, my money, my experience, etc.........................................................................

is availble for anyone who can use it. I will be leaving West to bring what little help I can for those in need in the "war-torn" areas that Katrina has spawned. Am I looking for recognition? Hell no!!!!! This is not for me whatsoever. This is ME being ME. Hate me or love me it does not matter, I will do what I can to help those who need it and if you know the story of the girl saving the starfish then you know my mindset. SIGH Faith sur ecan be tough sometimes.......

Originally Posted by 7thson
Thank you Darling...

I am really at a loss of what to say. The deaths are mounting and the suffering is unrelenting. I see stories of looting and guess what I think about it? Nothing at all, if my family needed something and it was there I would take it. I am not condoning crime so please do not take it as that.
I was once in a Cyclone, it fattened the whole of Darwin, I saw looting there also, it seems that after a huge catastrophe like that people go a bit crazy and steel silly things they can't even use. food is important to survive, the shops where I lived opened for people to just take what they wanted, the one good thing I remember of that time is, how people came together to help each other survive, I am sure there is a lot more caring happening.

Arresting your development
Originally Posted by Caitlyn

Anyone have any extra floaties…
...and to think a few months back, I was teasing you about building an ark or something.
Our real discoveries come from chaos, from going to the place that looks wrong and stupid and foolish.
Embrace the chaos and sour adversity, for wise men say it is the wisest course.

HellboyUnleashed's Avatar
May The Forks be With Us
This is just my view of the whole Katrina thing. This is much worse than 9/11, not because of all the deaths but because a lot of our oil refinerys in the south were located in New Orleans and were on the Bad side of the storm. Gas prices are going to go up some more before its all over. I predict the normal Gas Prices will be raised were I am from $2.55/g to about $4.00/g. The other great loss is the French Quarter. Not because of all the tourist attractions but because most of the Buildings in there have a great past and it was destroyed by one storm, all of these beautiful things destoryed.

That being said, What ever I can do to help in my community with the refugee's I will. I think they are puttin the Astrodome in Houston (Where I live) to great use. Those people maybe in there for a couple of months and some people may not like it but better to use it to help people than to let it just sit there. The other thing I believe needs to happen is a swap out of Marines and Nation Guard from Iraq and Afghanistan, the army is helping alot with disaster relief but Nation Guard is better for these kind of disasters because it is what they are trained to do. The rebuilding of New Orleans will probably take a few years so I encourage any end everyone to pitch in. Remember as we have seen from the footage of people sticking together to survive in the flood waters, we can work better as a team helping instead saying that it's not our problem.

Both of those things being said, Caitlyn and Equilibrium and whoever else may have been in the storm, I hope that you got out of it in time or if you were in New Orlean's, I hope you got the Superdome in time.
"An Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"
-Ben Kingsley, GHANDI

"Snozberries taste like snozberries"

Best of luck to you, Caitlyn, and here's hoping we hear back from you soon!

My first trip out West proved a little fruitless. Biloxi is about an hour and a half drive from here, but I never made it that far. The Interstate was blocked just West of Mobile. I was suprised that I saw nothing in way of relief efforts. Oh I know they are out there in the thick of it, but The damage I saw even before I got to Mississippi was devastating. I gave some Ice, canned food, batteries, and clean socks (you would be suprised how important these are) to a few people that still had a place to live, but were expected to be without power for weeks. I will probably head over again in a few days. I hope to post some pictures when I can.

HellboyUnleashed's Avatar
May The Forks be With Us
Originally Posted by 7thson
My first trip out West proved a little fruitless. Biloxi is about an hour and a half drive from here, but I never made it that far. The Interstate was blocked just West of Mobile. I was suprised that I saw nothing in way of relief efforts. Oh I know they are out there in the thick of it, but The damage I saw even before I got to Mississippi was devastating. I gave some Ice, canned food, batteries, and clean socks (you would be suprised how important these are) to a few people that still had a place to live, but were expected to be without power for weeks. I will probably head over again in a few days. I hope to post some pictures when I can.
That's awsome man. I would do that but it's kind of hard in my position because I have to go to school and I have no car, or else I'd be out there with people tryin to help. I'm gonna try to help locally though by working at a food pantry, it's probably not much but in the words of Ed Norton "Remember, You can't change the world but you can make a dent." That's from Death To Smoochy for those of you who don't know where it's from.

Originally Posted by HellboyUnleashed
..... Gas prices are going to go up some more before its all over. I predict the normal Gas Prices will be raised from $2.55/g to about $4.00/g......Both of those things being said, Caitlyn and Equilibrium and whoever else may have been in the storm, I hope that you got out of it in time or if you were in New Orlean's, I hope you got the Superdome in time.

I live down south as well, and you're probably right with those gas prices Hellboy. Those prices are high enough as it is. Right now it's at least $3.05 - $3.15/g. (before it rises).

As for Katrina....I've been watching and seeing these people how they lose homes, and what it looks like after it hits. Especially just tonight with Dateline and their special on it. I sat there mesmerized.... my mouth was open and I just started to cry.

Starcraft good in 97' good now
hey man at least your ok MOFO without JRS oh man that would blow