This is just my view of the whole Katrina thing. This is much worse than 9/11, not because of all the deaths but because a lot of our oil refinerys in the south were located in New Orleans and were on the Bad side of the storm. Gas prices are going to go up some more before its all over. I predict the normal Gas Prices will be raised were I am from $2.55/g to about $4.00/g. The other great loss is the French Quarter. Not because of all the tourist attractions but because most of the Buildings in there have a great past and it was destroyed by one storm, all of these beautiful things destoryed.
That being said, What ever I can do to help in my community with the refugee's I will. I think they are puttin the Astrodome in Houston (Where I live) to great use. Those people maybe in there for a couple of months and some people may not like it but better to use it to help people than to let it just sit there. The other thing I believe needs to happen is a swap out of Marines and Nation Guard from Iraq and Afghanistan, the army is helping alot with disaster relief but Nation Guard is better for these kind of disasters because it is what they are trained to do. The rebuilding of New Orleans will probably take a few years so I encourage any end everyone to pitch in. Remember as we have seen from the footage of people sticking together to survive in the flood waters, we can work better as a team helping instead saying that it's not our problem.
Both of those things being said, Caitlyn and Equilibrium and whoever else may have been in the storm, I hope that you got out of it in time or if you were in New Orlean's, I hope you got the Superdome in time.
"An Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"
-Ben Kingsley, GHANDI
"Snozberries taste like snozberries"