American Movie (1999)
Life isn't about the destination sometimes it's about the journey. American Movie tells the story of an independent filmmaker, newspaper boy, funeral janitor named Mark the the 30 minute film that took him 3 years to make. But naturally it's really about making the movie but more about the people in this quiet little Wisconsin town.
One of the things that I love about this film is it's constant juxtaposition between the horror film about Satan, Witches, Zombies...but then you've got this family hanging around in the background. You have this great scene where a group of I guess druids drags away a victim and Mark is filming and following Mark is this little 8 year old girl. These are the scenes that really sell the film and build on a different sense of Americana.
You also have a sad themes that run through the film, divorces, poverty, an elderly uncle is clearly getting close to the end. But this is America and life in a flyover state. And while Mark has this energy about him, his friend in the movie is Mike who is just a good dude. Maybe it's his love of RUSH or the drugs but Mike is just great. And while Mark tries to become this great filmmaker and has learned all the jargon it's Mike who demonstrates his talent with music.
This was a nice little break from all the heavy I've been watching lately. Good nom.