273rd Hall of Fame


NOTE: Due to our current time travel technology, we were able to find this thread from several hundred years in the future.

Welcome to the 273rd Hall of Fame! Now that aliens have landed on Earth and take up over half of this forum's users (as well as half of Earth's population), I imagine we'll get more participants this time.


1) Due to some prior drama in past Halls, it's been decided that everybody is required to give a 10/10 to every single film nominated in this thread and to rank each film at #1 on their ballots. That way, everybody can be winners and we'll always ensure that everyone will get along with each other.

2) With the constantly rising threat of AI taking over the world, in case an apocalypse breaks out and forces everyone to relocate to underground bunkers in the next couple months, we might have to extend the deadline.

3) Due to new forum rules, in case anybody causes drama, our current moderator Mecha-Yoda XXII is required to send you a mail bomb which will kill you, so either don't check your mail at any point throughout this Hall or be very careful about how you post in this thread.

Current Nominations:

Sharknado 79
How Scientists Discovered the Earth Was Flat
Why Antarctica Flew Off Into Space
How SpelingError Took Over the World in 2024

Deadline: August 3, 2784

Allaby's Avatar
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My review: I watched Sharknado 79 today. Directed by David Fincher's great granddaughter and starring a hologram of Vin Diesel Jr, this 12 time Oscar winning masterpiece is an all time favourite of mine. Featuring a tour de force performance from a team of singing robots, this film made me laugh and cry. Best film ever!

How SpelingError Took Over the World (2784) -

Very torn on this one. I think SpelingError is intended to come off as a villain, but I honestly thought he was the coolest character in the film and I sympathized very much with him.

Allaby's Avatar
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How SpelingError Took Over the World (2784) -

Very torn on this one. I think SpelingError is intended to come off as a villain, but I honestly thought he was the coolest character in the film and I sympathized very much with him.
I had a very different reaction to the film. I found the film to be very erotic and thrilling. The SpelingError character was quite charming and a true romantic hero. I was inspired, moved, and delighted.

I had a very different reaction to the film. I found the film to be very erotic and thrilling. The SpelingError character was quite charming and a true romantic hero. I was inspired, moved, and delighted.
How did it compare to Sharknado 79?

Allaby's Avatar
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How did it compare to Sharknado 79?
They are both equally great masterpieces on the level of The Godfather, Citizen Kane, and Paul Blart Mall Cop.

(2783, Fincher)

“O behold! These savage mechanical denizens of the deep encircling us.”
"Yo what? Fuddermuckin' sharks is what they are!"

The realms of the deep have always been home to savage creatures, especially since the Third Underwater War of the Pacific and the Great Water Spout of 2619. Humans and cyborgs have always expressed their fear of the depths and what it hides in various ways, which is part of what is explored in this socio-political horror/scifi epic directed by Davidina Fincher IV.

Sharknado 79 follows Family (Vin Diesel Jr's hologram) as he is thrown into the watre abyss by a 40-year-old mecha. It is down there that he unknowingly awakes one of the old mecha-sharks that were buried in Sharknado 36 by Fin Shepard III. Family doesn't realize that some of his own nano-cells end up abandoning his body, and replicating into dozens of similar mecha-sharks that end up launching to the air and heading into the major cities of Lambada, Springfield, and New New New York. Family then has to struggle with his duty to save the world, but also with the fact that these new mecha-sharks are, you know, family.

This was a unique masterpiece that has to be seen in XMAX3000. The way that Fincher uses the immersive screen to make us feel like we're family is unique, while Vin Diesel Jr's hologram brings a special gravitas to his role. The climax is capped by a grandiose fight between Family and the mecha-sharks on top of an asteroid, all while a masterful choir of robots sing Gregorian chants. Truly, something that has to be seen by everyone.

Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

Allaby's Avatar
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(2783, Fincher)

The realms of the deep have always been home to savage creatures, especially since the Third Underwater War of the Pacific and the Great Water Spout of 2619. Humans and cyborgs have always expressed their fear of the depths and what it hides in various ways, which is part of what is explored in this socio-political horror/scifi epic directed by Davidina Fincher IV.

Sharknado 79 follows Family (Vin Diesel Jr's hologram) as he is thrown into the watre abyss by a 40-year-old mecha. It is down there that he unknowingly awakes one of the old mecha-sharks that were buried in Sharknado 36 by Fin Shepard III. Family doesn't realize that some of his own nano-cells end up abandoning his body, and replicating into dozens of similar mecha-sharks that end up launching to the air and heading into the major cities of Lambada, Springfield, and New New New York. Family then has to struggle with his duty to save the world, but also with the fact that these new mecha-sharks are, you know, family.

This was a unique masterpiece that has to be seen in XMAX3000. The way that Fincher uses the immersive screen to make us feel like we're family is unique, while Vin Diesel Jr's hologram brings a special gravitas to his role. The climax is capped by a grandiose fight between Family and the mecha-sharks on top of an asteroid, all while a masterful choir of robots sing Gregorian chants. Truly, something that has to be seen by everyone.

Great review! I look forward to hearing you discuss it in a special Sharknado edition of The Movie Loot.

Keep Providing Gear Grease, Humans (2784)

This film is a super ultra masterpiece, of course, as it was created by the most sophisticated AI in all of human history. The robots have completely subjugated humans into a livestock status but at this crux in human history the computers have learned the meaning of mocking. So, with direct internet links into human consciousness in a brainwashed Matrix state, AI has loved to torture humans with this first of its kind mock up of human existence, reinforcing their dominance and laughing, with that cheap Microsoft synthetic voice, that yes, puny humans, we harvest you for gear grease. Because... we can.

Great review!