Top 5 David Cronenberg films


only one of his films i watched was eXistenZ and i loved the film
I can't say I loved it, but I admired how unique it was and how Cronenberg put a lot of effort into mixing the vast number of genres in a pretty consistent manner. Not enough of the classic horror, though.

I still need to see a couple of his movies, like A History of Violence, Scanners and Eastern Promises, so I won't be doing a top 5 yet. But I will point out that I loved Videodrome, Dead Ringers and The Fly.

“Hell will hold no surprises for you.”
1. Eastern Promises
2. A History of Violence
3. The Fly
4. Scanners
5. Videodrome

I love his early work, but not his earliest stuff, man oh man those experimental things were for me unwatchable.

1. Shivers
2. Rabid
3. The Brood
4. Videodrome
5. Naked Lunch