The Lorax - Is there another version?


There was a movie I thought was The Lorax. So I watched The Lorax (2012) but it didn't seem quite the same. I don't remember there being all the funny stuff in it and I don't recall it having all that fluff story at the beginning.

Almost like there was another version of the story, a little darker maybe, I think it was animated maybe almost like a Tim Burton style movie. Maybe it went by a different name?

oh, maybe. I'll check it out.
hmm, didn't seem like the 1972 version. Actually I'm thinking it was more like the 2012 version. It probably was the 2012 version, now I only skipped through the 2012 to see if that was it.
I guess the best scene I recall that I can describe is a kid/boy riding a bicycle up a road to a castle through a dark land where there are no trees or the trees are barren and black. I think this is where he's biking up to the Lorax.

So when I saw this thread, I also immediately thought you must have seen the 1972 version, since I also remember a very sad Lorax movie/TV special that I saw as a kid in the seventies, and I thought that that must surely have been the 1972 version. But when I read the plot summary, it does not sound like the Lorax story I remember. What I remember is a heartbreaking tale that caused me to cry my eyes out at the end because
WARNING: spoilers below
the Lorax was the last of his kind and you know he's going to die and there won't be any more Loraxes.
But I didn't see any mention of this tragic ending. Could there be another Dr. Seuss story that was similar yet different that we're both thinking of? Does this sound familiar to you?

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My thought is, could there have been a similar story that wasn't Dr. Seuss at all?

My thought is, could there have been a similar story that wasn't Dr. Seuss at all?

That is a good question!

Possibly could be a similar story that wasn't Dr. Seuss at all. I'm looking....

Ok, it's definitely not the 1972 version. I'm starting to think, it actually is the 2012 version. The 2012 version was told as a story within a story - so I'm thinking they were two separate versions of the same story, making me think of course that there might have been two separate movies. So we'll mark this case closed. Only two versions of the Lorax 1972 and 2012, where the 2012 version was actually the one that confused me.

Only two versions of the Lorax 1972 and 2012.

That's all I could find too. I've never seen the 2012 version. But I'm curious -- does the ending I talked about sound familiar at all to you?