What are you doing at this very moment?


Listening to MW2 being played and thinking of watching a flick while eating junk food...
But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet, Tread softly because you tread on my dreams. W.B. Yeats

In pain. Eating chocolates. Drinking tea. Wondering whether or not to give a friend a call.
Poor little Honey Hope you are better soon
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

Female Jungle Poster
Waiting for 4o p.m. so I can watch an old favorite series, Northern Exposure.

"The dog is the god of frolic." ~ Beecher

"Exit, pursued by a bear." ~

The People's Republic of Clogher
Marvelling at the smallness of this country.

The biggest political scandal of modern Ireland, North or South, and there are some quare boys down South ('quare' is not a misspelled or backhanded reference to sexual orientation, by the way - look to Behan for clarity), is throwing up revelations by the hour.

The problem that the Robinsons face is, now that a few cats are out of their bags, that everyone here either 'knows someone' or 'knows someone who knows someone'.

The tap is dripping and it wouldn't surprise me if the man himself is gone by the end of the day, jumping before he gets pushed. What this means in terms of the peace process is unclear - the more politicly unstable this place is the more fertile the ground for dissidents to bring guns and bombs back to the table, as witnessed by the bomb attack at the weekend.

We live in interesting times.

EDIT - Peter the Punt has now gone. Temporarily 'to clear his name', but I doubt we'll see him again.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

Just finished off a bowl of homemade veggie soup...
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

EDIT - Peter the Punt has now gone. Temporarily 'to clear his name', but I doubt we'll see him again.
That news broke as I was in a dentist chair during my appointment this afternoon. So I sat and watched that (with subtitles, no sound) as I was having my teeth cleaned and polished. <------ What I now look like.

At the moment, I'm drinking tea and eating biccies, with QI on in the background.

watching Deadliest Catch... don't ask me why, but it's kinda interesting
I'd never given much thought to how I would die... But dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go

martian leader's Avatar
RightUpTheLittleTramps@ss !
Hoping I don't get a phone call.
Arnie Cunningham - All of this because some drunk ran over that sh*tter Welch?

Arnie Cunningham- Right up the little tramps @ss!

Female Jungle Poster
Wondering if it will ever stop raining here. Trying not to step on the cat while I make some coffee.

Female Jungle Poster
Apologizing to the cat for stepping on her anyway.

Haunted Heart, Beautiful Dead Soul
its 4 am and i am finally laying down for the nite.... just been thinking all nite on things in my life. hoping today goes smooth for someone in his life today. i cannot take the drama 2 days in a row.