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It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

Really solid film with three or four scenes that will stick with me. I wanted to love it more. These themes usually hit me on a really emotional level. There was just some repetition in the middle third that grew a little tired for me. Still stands a chance at the back end of my list.


Werner Herzog weaves an otherworldly experience, from a dreamlike 1800's town, to a castle in Transylvania, and back again. Sound design, shrieks, & shadows. Herzog's tribute to FW Murnau, who he considered Germany's greatest director. Whether you think Bela Lugosi is THE dracula, or Christopher Lee, or Klaus Kinski. Nosferatu, Phantom der Nacht is a predominantly visual take on the legend. There's even a brief raft sequence, which seemed a callback to Aguirre, when Nosferatu is taken by water to Wismar, Germany... the wonderfully atmospheric 19th century gothic town

8.0 / 10

Se7en (1995) ==> 7/10, frankly good thriller

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Enter The Void (2009)

A tough film for me to describe or even rate. It reminded me of a mix between The Tree of Life and Requiem for a Dream, the former i didn't like and the latter i thought was brilliant. Words like psychadelic, disturbing, erotic, violent, artistic, extreme, complex all spring to mind with this, so it's fairly easy to see why it would divide opinions, especially with the fact it's over 2 1/2 hours long. Daniel mentioned about the opening of the film which is indeed quite incredible.

Still, I give it.........

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Drive (2011)

I heard about this movie and its amazing soundtrack in this forum but I wasn't expecting this! It's a masterpiece!!! Every shot is perfect, the colours, the lightning, the soundtrack... The way the tension is built is great and the acting is outstanding! This will be for sure one of the best movies of the decade!


Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Watch Only God Forgives and Valhalla Rising now!
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
The Wolverine (2013)

Totally pointless (the only part that actually brought something to the story was the post credit scene), totally cliche, totally dragged out (to say that is 1 hour longer that it should be is being nice)...

The train scene is not bad, the rest is just boring...


The Rover 9/10
Breaking Bad 10/10
Frank 8/10
I love films, videogames an- SHUT UP DONNY! YOU'RE OUT OF YOUR ELEMENT!!
I'm a dudeist, a jedi, and a ninja.

The Raid: Redemption -

100% action 0% anything else
I'm by no means action movie enthusiast, but both Expendables and Last Stand were better movies (due to their not serious approach)
"Oh, so you'd be General, huh? If you were General, I'd be Emperor, and you'd STILL get the sake! So shut up and get the sake!" -Hattori Hanzo

"#GAMEOVER420BLAZIT" -bluedeed

X-Men: First Class (2011)

That's bad, even for a blocbuster... The only thing that saves this is Fassbender!

X-men Origins, got a higher rating than First Class?

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

Loved this movie. The chemistry between Newman and Redford is gold! Comedy is definitely a sub-genre of the film and it is quite funny. I'm not sure if the music plus still frames was used much in that time period (before the 70's). If it wasn't I can't criticize it too much, because I like when movies are daring and original. It was a great way to move the story along without lazy exposition. But on the other hand some of those scenes were drug out and the song choice where the lyrics are only "ba ba and bum bum," seemed corny to me. Spoilers. Also, I loved the ending. You knew they couldn't make it out and that they were going to be captured or killed, but you never get shown it. Liked this film a lot. The next western I watch will probably be The Man with no Name trilogy

Twelve Monkeys

Wow. What to say about Twelve Moneys. I can't believe this was on my watchlist for so long. I was literally on the edge of my seat THE WHOLE MOVIE. Always guessing, always wondering what will happen next, trying to solve the mystery! The turns this movie takes is brilliant! And the directing done by Gilliam, it's amazing. Brad Pitt's performance is one of his most memorable in my opinion. Even the little things in this movie elevate it to such an amazing experience, example: all the television/ cartoon scenes had something to do with the plot or scene. I loved that! I don't even have any major criticisms of the film, only minor flaws which bring it to a near perfect score.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

The Departed (2006)

The Departed is an amazing crime drama starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Jack Nicholson, Mark Wahlberg, Martin Sheen, and Alec Baldwin. The mob has an undercover man in the police department, the police have an undercover man in the mob, and it's a race to see who can find the other undercover man first without giving away the identity of their own undercover man.

This movie is intelligent, thrilling, exciting, and extremely well-acted by the entire cast. The ending is a bit depressing, but it doesn't take away from the brilliance of his fantastic movie.

If you haven't seen this movie yet, what are you waiting for? I highly recommend this movie.

Finished here. It's been fun.

Blade Runner(Rewatch)

Where do i even begin when writing about my all-time favorite film.

I'll begin by saying one word:Atmosphere. Films with absorbing atmospheres are the ones that have the biggest impact on me. What is atmosphere one may ask? Well, the "atmosphere" is created by a balance..a harmony of sorts. It can be everything from the cinematography,to the lighting, to the use of music,etc. Just look towards great films such as The Mirror, Alien,Mulholland Dr. Apocalypse Now, The Shining,Taxi Driver, The Godfather and so on. There's just something about these type of films that allows them to become more than just films, but experiences. Many films are cold,sterile and bland. Atmospheric films are anything but.

I love how this film has the coating of a blockbuster, but it tackles profound philosophical themes at the same time. It asks grand questions about life,humanity,death and what makes us human? Add on these themes to one of the most visually stunning films ever made, and you have yourself a masterpiece. The visuals of Blade Runner are breathtaking, as every little scenes oozes unbelievable aesthetic beauty. Every time I watch the film, I practically feel a part of the world Ridley Scott managed to create. Add on the orgasmic Vangelis music,and I am quite literally in cinematic heaven.

Alot of people consider the film "cold", and consider the human element "thin". I can't even argue that the film does have flaws, and I do see why someone would dislike it...believe me I do. Nostalgia prevents me from loving any film more, even if there might be "better" films out there. When I first viewed this film many years ago, I wasn't blown away initially....but it did leave an impact. I thought about the film,dreamt about it, and eventually it became my Go-To film.

Blade Runner is my fave movie my mofo bro's, just can't help it.