Anyone else had enough of superhero films?


Both of those were pretty bad. Sorry.
Huh??? I honestly thought these 2 were excellent for superhero movies, Cap America 2 I thought was up there with the Dark Knight and Iron Man 3 was little less than the first Iron Man which was awesome to watch.
Consumers will eat everything except the sequel

Huh??? I honestly thought these 2 were excellent for superhero movies, Cap America 2 I thought was up there with the Dark Knight and Iron Man 3 was little less than the first Iron Man which was awesome to watch.
Everyone has different tastes … I thought Iron Man 3 was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. And Iron Man 1 was absolutely fantastic.

Capt 2 wasn't terrible but it was kind tough for me to get through. I thought the best part was that ass short of scarlet near the beginning

Everyone has different tastes … I thought Iron Man 3 was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. And Iron Man 1 was absolutely fantastic.

Capt 2 wasn't terrible but it was kind tough for me to get through. I thought the best part was that ass short of scarlet near the beginning
Always a bonus to see a sexy woman in tight black pants I understand how everyone has different tastes but I cam into those movies not expecting much and came out of happily surprised.

I was starting to get tired of them until this year when Captain America and Guardians came out. They have rekindled my interest in seeing these films again and have given me hope that they are just bound to get even better. What has bothered me a little bit as I've gotten further into it is the animated superhero films. Everyone told me that I should Wonder Woman, which is a fine film but not nearly as good as everyone thinks it is, I was told watch Mask of the Phantasm, but it has two plot holes and two unresolved conflicts, but gets a pass because of Batman the Animated series. I was Planet Hulk because is supposed to be the best film in the series of Marvel animated films but while what it covers of the comic is done well, and minus only two or three less important details is fairly accurate, it doesn't go over the better second half at all and I can't imagine why. It's not like it's a kids film with all that blood and people being sliced in half, yet it ends on a fairly tail note. There was also the punisher film which was nothing more than a mindless action flick with some cameos at the end because why the hell not.

Somehow despite all that I find myself liking son of Batman, Assault on Arkham and Justice League the new Frontier. There are others that I like but it seems like by and large, my opinion of animated superhero films is almost completely opposite of most others opinions. This means that the kind of films I like come out less and less often.

''You're a big man but you're out of shape!''
Why not a animated Freak Bros film? I'd pay good money to see that.
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The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Well, they are good movies to watch when I don't feel like thinking a lot... and that says a lot of what I think of them!

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I always make the comparison that these are the best action movies being made nowadays. The mythology of these characters affords the budget that any action film deserves. In this day and time, no one is gonna spend $120 mil making another Predator or Terminator. The comic book movies (although not perfect) are the best thing going.

If you can dream it, you can do it.
Hi ! I'm a new entry, I'm Italian so be patient if I don't write perfectly ! I love movies and this forum is very interesting.
My boyfriend likes so much superhero movies but I think that they're boring.

''You're a big man but you're out of shape!''
Superhero comics are not my thing, ditto the films but they are obviously very popular and make massive amounts of profit for the studios, but they just don't float my boat for the reasons I stated in my original post in this thread. Now a big budget live action Akira or Battle of the Planets would have my attention.

Not at all. Film CG has only recently reached a point of near-perfection. I want to see some badass crossover super hero films before we even think of slowing down. C'monnnn FLASH movie!

I'm tired of superhero movies. I'm tired of Marvel and their overrated movies. I'm tired of the fanboys who feed them. I'm tired of this blockbuster mentality that we have nowadays.

I like good superhero movies but i think they have to stop for a while, this is becoming ridiculous when there are 8 movies about the same thing and now they are making even more tv series about it. It's too much.

My name's Bobby Peru, like the country.
Nope. And I don't think of it as flogging a franchise, because despite sharing a continuity, as actual films they vary pretty substantially in tone and style. And virtually all of them have been well-written, well-shot, and inventive. As long as that's true, I'll keep enjoying them.

Re: Superman. Couldn't disagree more, but to each their own. But I feel compelled to point out that this specific opinion is almost entirely a generational thing. If you were a kid when it came out, you probably have a much higher regard for it than others, and it's hard not to think those things are connected.
Couldn't of said it better. It's not like we are getting lazy cash grab sequels, all these films have been exceptionally well produced. Guardians of the Galaxy was an amazing movie whether it was slated as a superhero movie or not (IMO).

I prefer the classic blockbuster films like

- Star Wars
- Terminator 2
even Independence Day,

over superhero films. I don't particularly like the genre for some reason, to me it sounds stupid to watch people dressed in ridiculous colorful costumes. I don't understand exactly why I find it stupid but it lowers by capability of suspending disbelief. My top superhero film is a deconstruction of the genre as well.

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Not at all. Film CG has only recently reached a point of near-perfection. I want to see some badass crossover super hero films before we even think of slowing down. C'monnnn FLASH movie!
The Christopher Reeves Superman movies never impressed me. At a young age, they came across as stilted and unconvincing. The Star Wars movies were made around the same time, yet they created a believable universe in which immersion was never an issue.

In my mind I knew these movies should mirror the comics and cartoons in style and direction. I believe that the technology (cgi) is finally getting to a point where these characters can be portrayed fluidly in a believable manner.

Part of this popularity surge is the build up over all these years. There is so much material that people have been wanting to see for decades and now it can be viably made.

I loved the old Batman movies, but they were unbelievable cheeseballs.

I don't care too much for the Marvel universe. The only thing I get excited about is watching an actor I respect play a superhero.

Besides, all the Marvel movies look hella stupid next to Nolan's first two Batman flicks.
~ I am tired of ze same old faces! Ze same old things!
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Master of My Domain
Well I do agree that there are too many superhero films that kind of block the screening of creative and unique movies and getting repetitive due to an excess of milking the same heroes... but what I did is simply adapt, and see the glass as half full instead of half empty. Superhero movies aren't that bad at all, some of them have good direction and a strong story, plus dazzling special effects that serve as the perfect eye candy. Also by focusing mainly founding on superhero movies only, may seem like they do it becuase it makes the most money, which is true but by doing that the quality of the films to go up greatly.

Definitely getting to the point where I am sick of them. They are ok for mindless time passing though.

I wouldn't expect them to slow down making them any time soon though, its almost guaranteed profits

I am the Watcher in the Night
Captain America 2 was one of the best movies this year, Guardians of the Galaxy is possibly the best sci-fi since District 9, The Dark Knight is still stands as one of the best movies of the century so far, Watchmen is one of the most thought provoking "blockbusters" of all no, if they keep coming with this level of quality, I don't want them to stop.
"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

"I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle"

Captain America 2 didn't impress me at all. It has a predictable story, average performances, and a lot of action sequences that everybody already have seen. The last X-Men was the same thing. For me those movies are just copy/paste.

I also think that they are good movies to entertain and superhero movies deserve their space in cinema like other genre. But actually they don't bring something new and they are monopolizing the industry. They only survive because of the hype and the huge amount of money they bring to the studios.

They only survive because of the huge amount of money they bring to the studios.
Why else would any film survive except for the money it brings in?
It's called show business for a reason.

Films aren't made by dreaming about them, they're made by large crews coming together and getting salaries

Please enlighten me, I'd love to know how to make movies without having to worry about bringing any money in